THANKS! + RiverFest + SummeRides
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Saturday, June 22, 2013
at 7:30 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
THANKS for a great season, we couldn't do it without you! We did 34 rides and 750 miles total in spite of some weather challenges. In addition to the local rides, we also went to Rhode Island twice, Cape Ann and the North Shore twice, Portsmouth, Boston, and the Mass Central Rail Trail.
So, now that I am becoming acclimated / acquiesced to Summer let's get the FREE SummeRides season started. This coming week's weather doesn't look so good, but a few ideas for later include the new Fitch Bridge and the new Portsmouth Memorial Bridge (when they open) and LUNCH at the new Ixtapa Mexican Grill & Cantina in Groton.
First up is RiverFest on Sunday, June 23rd. I will be leading a ride from 10:30 AM until noon which is a "Family Ride" from Groton Center to Pepperell on the Rail Trail to explore the Nashua and Nissitissit Rivers. None of this will be new to seasoned AdventuRiders, but its a good way to get to RiverFest since you will need to take a bus from Deluxe (NEBS) parking lot if you plan to drive.
As a reminder to new riders, you MUST have an approved bicycle helmet, and you MUST pump up your tires! You will also need to initial and sign our Release and Waiver of Liability. Sorry, no unaccompanied minors are allowed.
Look for me over in the shade near the GELD building.
On Sunday, June 23rd - RiverFest
- 10:30 AM - We will leave for Pepperell.
- Noon - We should be at RiverFest.
- Starting Point Map - Groton Center.
- Route Map - RiverFest.
- Distance - 9 1/2 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 85 feet.
- Unpaved - None.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my road bike.
Hope to see you there,
Bill, but not Carole :-(
Reminder - Westminster on Friday
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, June 20, 2013
at 1:20 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
It would be hard to top the weather and scenery from yesterday's Cape Ann ride, but we'll give it a try tomorrow. How does Sunny and mid 60s when we leave and Partly Cloudy and mid 70s when we return sound?

We'll be trading the ocean views and traffic of yesterday for scenic backroads and distant views in Central Massachusetts. Oh, and there are GOATS too!
I added a couple of miles to the "normal" ride so we could ride the new mid-state trail bridge through a gorgeous meadow. I hope you appreciate it, I got to talk to a couple of Hubbardston's Finest who wanted to know what the hell I was doing at the end of a very muddy road with my sports car.
BTW, to get to the starting point, get off Route 2 (exit 25) and take Route 2A into Westminster. When you see the red "Westminster Cracker" building, turn left just BEFORE the building and drive up the hill to the gazebo. Oh, and the last time I checked there was a PortaPotty and it was unlocked.
On Friday, June 21st - Westminster
Get ready for a gorgeous ride around Mount Wachusett. It's a bit outside our 30 minute starting point radius around Groton, but Route 2 is pretty quick.
The Fitness Ride will take us west to the Mount Wachusett region. We will start in Westminster, climb UP toward the west shoulder of Mount Wachusett on some scenic backroads before zooming DOWN to beautiful views at Princeton. From there we ride to Gardner passing many lakes before turning back to Westminster. There are a couple of significant hills at the beginning of the ride including a Cat 5 (easiest category) as we pass the mountain. From there it is rolling hills back to Westminster.
- 9:30 AM - The Fitness Ride will leave.
- 1:00 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Westminster Bandshell
- Route Map - Westminster - Princeton
- Distance - 25 miles
- Elevation Gain - 800 feet (more difficult)
- Unpaved - 2 miles - a few very rough spots
- Equipment - I plan to bring my ROAD bike.
AR Index - roughly equal to 34 flat, smooth miles.
Lunch - TBD
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole

Reminder - Gloucester - Rockport on Wednesday @ 10:00 AM
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Tuesday, June 18, 2013
at 5:25 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Despite all the rain at the moment, tomorrow is looking like a FANTASTIC day on Cape Ann. It should be mid 60s and Partly Cloudy when we leave and Mostly Sunny and low 70s when we return, with mostly a tailwind (NNE onshore breeze).
We may have to pay $10 to park at Stage Fort Park. RSVP if you are interested in carpooling.
I was planning to do the whole ride and then eat, but I think it would be more enjoyable to get lunch in Rockport. One possibility is The Top Dog. We can get something quick and have a picnic. If you're not into "quality fun food", many other options are available.
BTW, if you want to skip lunch and get back earlier, the return leg is pretty much self explanatory.
On Wednesday, June 19th - Gloucester
- 10:00 AM - We will leave Stage Fort Park.
- Noon-ish - Lunch in Rockport.
- 3:00 PM - We should be back to Stage Fort Park.
- Start Point Map - Stage Fort Park - Gloucester
- Route Map - Cape Ann - Rockport
- Distance - 27.5 miles
- Elevation Gain - 400 feet (pretty much flat)
- Unpaved - NONE
- Equipment - I will be riding my ROAD bike.
AR Index - roughly equal to 30 flat, paved miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill, but probably not Carole :-(
This Week - Devens - Gloucester - Westminster
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Sunday, June 16, 2013
at 12:01 AM
Dear AdventuRiders,
On Wednesday, June 19th - Gloucester
Well, this is it, the last week of our 19th season! Don't worry though, thru the rest of June and July we will continue doing our free SummeRides series whenever we feel like it.
Monday is looking quite nice at this point and we are going to try something new. As you have no doubt noticed, LUNCH is one of the most important parts of AdventuRides. So I have designed a couple of rides around lunch at Markoh's on Main in Ayer.
On Monday, June 17th - Devens
- 9:30 AM - The Recreation Ride will leave.
- 11:30 AM - We should be back (unless you stop for lunch).
- Starting Point Map - Devens - Antietam Street Playground.
- Route Map - Devens - Shirley - Ayer.
- Distance - 16 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 325 feet (moderate).
- Off Road - none.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my hybrid bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 18 flat, smooth miles.
11:30 AM - LUNCH is at Markoh's on Main in Ayer.
- 12:30 PM - The Beginner Ride will leave.
- 2:30 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Devens - Antietam Street Playground.
- Route Map - Devens - Shirley.
- Distance - 13 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 250 feet.
- Off Road - maybe a little.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my hybrid bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 15 flat, smooth miles.
On Wednesday, June 19th - Gloucester
I'm planning to do the whole route with a snack break in Rockport and then have lunch / beer at Cape Ann Brewery in Gloucester. Plan accordingly.
- 10:00 AM - We will leave.
- 2:00 PM - We should be back to Stage Fort Park.
- Start Point Map - Stage Fort Park - Gloucester
- Route Map - Cape Ann - Rockport
- Distance - 27.5 miles
- Elevation Gain - 400 feet (moderate)
- Unpaved - NONE
- Equipment - I will be riding my ROAD bike.
AR Index - roughly equal to 30 flat, paved miles.
On Friday, June 21st - Westminster
Get ready for a gorgeous ride around Mount Wachusett. It's a bit outside our 30 minute starting point radius around Groton, but Route 2 is pretty quick.
The Fitness Ride will take us west to the Mount Wachusett region. We will start in Westminster, climb UP toward the west shoulder of Mount Wachusett on some scenic backroads before zooming DOWN to beautiful views at Princeton. From there we ride to Gardner passing many lakes before turning back to Westminster. There are a couple of significant hills at the beginning of the ride including a Cat 5 (easiest category) as we pass the mountain. From there it is rolling hills back to Westminster.
- 9:30 AM - The Fitness Ride will leave.
- 1:00 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Westminster Bandshell
- Route Map - Westminster - Princeton
- Distance - 25 miles
- Elevation Gain - 800 feet (more difficult)
- Unpaved - 2 miles - a few very rough spots
- Equipment - I plan to bring my ROAD bike.
AR Index - roughly equal to 34 flat, smooth miles.
Lunch - TBD
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Reminder - Westminster on Friday
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, June 13, 2013
at 5:34 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
I have multiple conflicts with tomorrows ride, but never fear, my lovely and talented sweep Carole will be leading the ride. Here is a link to the map and cue sheet. You basically turn right except for 2 corners.
The bad news is the weather is looking very wet, and I'm a bit concerned that the dirt road portion of the ride could be flooded :-(
On Friday, June 14th - Westminster
There is a PortaPotty at the Starting Point, and last time I checked it wasn't locked. There are no other facilities along the route, so plan accordingly.
I will make the call on the weather before 8:00 AM tomorrow morning.
On Friday, June 14th - Westminster
Get ready for a gorgeous ride around Mount Wachusett. It's a bit outside our 30 minute starting point radius around Groton, but Route 2 is pretty quick.
The Fitness Ride will take us west to the Mount Wachusett region. We will start in Westminster, climb UP toward the west shoulder of Mount Wachusett on some scenic backroads before zooming DOWN to beautiful views at Princeton. From there we ride to Gardner passing many lakes before turning back to Westminster. There are a couple of significant hills at the beginning of the ride including a Cat 5 (easiest category) as we pass the mountain. From there it is rolling hills back to Westminster.
- 9:30 AM - The Fitness Ride will leave.
- 1:00 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Westminster Bandshell
- Route Map - Westminster - Princeton
- Distance - 23 miles
- Elevation Gain - 750 feet (more difficult)
- Unpaved - 1/2 mile - a few very rough spots
- Equipment - I plan to bring my ROAD bike.
AR Index - roughly equal to 32 flat, smooth miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Reminder - Providence, RI on Wednesday
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Tuesday, June 11, 2013
at 4:32 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
It looks like a nice day in Providence on Wednesday! It will be mid 60s Partly Cloudy and Breezy when we leave and a few degrees warmer when we return.
There are potty stops at 10 and 20 miles, but I'm not sure about the starting point. There is a Dunkin Donuts at 727 East Ave, Pawtucket, RI 02860 just before the Starting Point.
Note the 10:00 AM Starting Time so we can avoid rush hour.
RSVP if you want to carpool and I'll try to match you up.
On Wednesday, June 12th -Providence, RI
Another new ride? Yup, this ride starts at the park in Providence where we turned around on the Woonsocket ride. From there we ride down very leafy Blackstone Blvd and along the river before crossing to the East Bay Bike Path. We will take some detours down to the the coast in Barrington before returning.
- 10:00 AM - We will leave from Lippitt Memorial Park.
- 12:30 PM- ish - Lunch somewhere.
- 3:00 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Lippitt Memorial Park - Providence.
- Route Map - Providence - Barrington - EBBP.
- Distance - 30 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 500 feet - pretty flat actually.
- Unpaved - None.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 35 flat, smooth miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
STOP - The Afternoon Ride is POSTPONED
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Monday, June 10, 2013
at 11:44 AM
This Week - Westford - Providence - Westminster
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Sunday, June 9, 2013
at 12:36 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Well the weather looks decent for Monday. It should be around 70 degrees and Mostly Cloudy in the morning and about 75 and Cloudy in the afternoon. The rain is supposed to hold off until 4:00.
On Monday, June 10th -Westford, Forge Pond Beach
- 9:30 AM - the Morning Recreation Ride will leave.
- 11:30 AM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Forge Pond Beach, Westford.
- Route Map - Westford - Cow Pond.
- Distance - 14 miles
- Elevation Gain - 250 feet (medium)
- Unpaved - 2 miles.
- Equipment - Any well maintained bike will work.
AR Index = Roughly 16 flat, paved miles.
11:30 AM - LUNCH Pizzeria Presti
- 12:30 PM - the Afternoon Beginner Ride will leave.
- 2:30 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Forge Pond Beach, Westford.
- Route Map - Westford - Nabnasset - Stone Arch.
- Distance - 12 miles
- Elevation Gain - 200 feet (easy)
- Unpaved - 1 mile.
- Equipment - Any well maintained bike will work.
AR Index = Roughly 14 flat, paved miles.
On Wednesday, June 12th -Providence, RI
Another new ride? Yup, this ride starts at the park in Providence where we turned around on the Woonsocket ride. From there we ride down very leafy Blackstone Blvd before crossing the river to the East Bay Bike Path. We will take some detours along the coast in Barrington before returning.
- 10:00 AM - We will leave from Lippitt Memorial Park.
- 12:30 PM- ish - Lunch somewhere.
- 3:00 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Lippitt Memorial Park - Providence.
- Route Map - Providence - Barrington - EBBP.
- Distance - 30 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 500 feet - pretty flat actually.
- Unpaved - None.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 35 flat, smooth miles.
On Friday, June 14th - Westminster
Get ready for a gorgeous ride around Mount Wachusett. It's a bit outside our 30 minute starting point radius around Groton, but Route 2 is pretty quick.
The Fitness Ride will take us west to the Mount Wachusett region. We will start in Westminster, climb UP toward the west shoulder of Mount Wachusett on some scenic backroads before zooming DOWN to beautiful views at Princeton. From there we ride to Gardner passing many lakes before turning back to Westminster. There are a couple of significant hills at the beginning of the ride including a Cat 5 (easiest category) as we pass the mountain. From there it is rolling hills back to Westminster.
- 9:30 AM - The Fitness Ride will leave.
- 1:00 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Westminster Bandshell
- Route Map - Westminster - Princeton - Audubon
- Distance - 25 miles
- Elevation Gain - 800 feet (more difficult)
- Unpaved - 1/2 mile - a few very rough spots
- Equipment - I plan to bring my ROAD bike.
AR Index - roughly equal to 35 flat, smooth miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Reminder - Westminster on Friday
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, June 6, 2013
at 6:13 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
On Friday, June 7th - Westminster
After the glorious ride we had on Wednesday, it's even more painful to look at the weather for tomorrow :-( The forecast is for 53 degrees and 70% chance of rain. I'll make the call before 8:00 tomorrow morning.
BTW, there is a PortaPotty at the starting point and it wasn't locked last time I checked.
On Friday, June 7th - Westminster
Get ready for a gorgeous ride around Mount Wachusett. It's a bit outside our 30 minute starting point radius around Groton, but Route 2 is pretty quick.
The Fitness Ride will take us west to the Mount Wachusett region. We will start in Westminster, climb UP toward the west shoulder of Mount Wachusett on some scenic backroads before zooming DOWN to beautiful views at Princeton. From there we ride to Gardner passing many lakes before turning back to Westminster. There are a couple of significant hills at the beginning of the ride including a Cat 5 (easiest category) as we pass the mountain. From there it is rolling hills back to Westminster.
- 9:30 AM - The Fitness Ride will leave.
- 1:00 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Westminster Bandshell
- Route Map - Westminster - Princeton - Audubon
- Distance - 25 miles
- Elevation Gain - 800 feet (more difficult)
- Unpaved - 1/2 mile - a few very rough spots
- Equipment - I plan to bring my ROAD bike.
AR Index - roughly equal to 35 flat, smooth miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Reminder - Beverly Beach Bonanza on Wednesday!
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Monday, June 3, 2013
at 7:23 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
The weather for the Beverly - North Shore ride on Wednesday is looking SPECTACULAR! It should be SUNNY, low 60s, low humidity, and light winds when we leave. It should be near 70 degrees and Partly Cloudy when we return. WooHoo!!! I hope the 4 week wait will be worth it.
There is a PortaPotty at the starting point and another PortaPotty and/or perhaps even PORCELAIN at the turn around point at Stage Fort Park in Gloucester. If we are so inclined, we can go to the Fishermen's Memorial Statue just down the beach.
LUNCH will be on the way back at Magnolia. We can get food at the Magnolia House of Pizza and go across the street to the town landing for a picnic.
If you are interested in carpooling, RSVP and I will try to arrange it.
On Wednesday, June 5th -Beverly Beach Bonanza
- 10:00 AM - We will leave from the Curve Lane Soccer Field.
- 12:30 PM- ish - Lunch at Magnolia House of Pizza.
- 3:00 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Curve Lane Soccer Field.
- Route Map - Beverly - Manchester - Magnolia.
- Distance - 30 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 600 feet - pretty flat actually.
- Unpaved - None.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 35 flat, smooth miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
This Week - Westford - Beverly - Westminster
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Sunday, June 2, 2013
at 2:14 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Well, we survived the heat on Friday thanks to the Squan-tiss-ipo swimming holes. I even did a bit of body surfing on the Nissitissit River.
The weather this week is looking much cooler, and hopefully the Monday rain forecast is wrong. I know I said we would move on from the Beverly ride, but the forcast is for Partly Cloudy and 68 degrees in Beverly on Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed!
On Monday, June 3rd -Westford, Forge Pond Beach
- 9:30 AM - the Morning Recreation Ride will leave.
- 11:30 AM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Forge Pond Beach, Westford.
- Route Map - Forge - Keys - Nabnassett Ponds.
- Distance - 14 miles
- Elevation Gain - 250 feet (medium)
- Unpaved - none.
- Equipment - Any well maintained bike will work.
AR Index = Roughly 16 flat, paved miles.
11:30 AM - LUNCH Pizzeria Presti
- 12:30 PM - the Afternoon Beginner Ride will leave.
- 2:30 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Forge Pond Beach, Westford.
- Route Map - Westford - Groton - Stone Arch.
- Distance - 12 miles
- Elevation Gain - 200 feet (easy)
- Unpaved - 2 miles.
- Equipment - Any well maintained bike will work.
AR Index = Roughly 14 flat, paved miles.
On Wednesday, June 5th -Beverly Beach Bonanza
- 10:00 AM - We will leave from the Curve Lane Soccer Field.
- 12:30 PM- ish - Lunch at Magnolia House of Pizza.
- 3:00 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Curve Lane Soccer Field.
- Route Map - Beverly - Manchester - Magnolia.
- Distance - 30 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 600 feet - pretty flat actually.
- Unpaved - None.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 35 flat, smooth miles.
LUNCH - Magnolia House of Pizza. The plan is to buy lunch there and go across the street to the Magnolia Town Landing / Park for a picnic.
On Friday, June 7th - Westminster
Get ready for a gorgeous ride around Mount Wachusett. It's a bit outside our 30 minute starting point radius around Groton, but Route 2 is pretty quick.
The Fitness Ride will take us west to the Mount Wachusett region. We will start in Westminster, climb UP toward the west shoulder of Mount Wachusett on some scenic backroads before zooming DOWN to beautiful views at Princeton. From there we ride to Gardner passing many lakes before turning back to Westminster. There are a couple of significant hills at the beginning of the ride including a Cat 5 (easiest category) as we pass the mountain. From there it is rolling hills back to Westminster.
- 9:30 AM - The Fitness Ride will leave.
- 1:00 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Westminster Bandshell
- Route Map - Westminster - Princeton - Audubon
- Distance - 25 miles
- Elevation Gain - 800 feet (more difficult)
- Unpaved - 1/2 mile - a few very rough spots
- Equipment - I plan to bring my ROAD bike.
AR Index - roughly equal to 35 flat, smooth miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole