Dear AdventuRiders,
Where has summer gone? I have 3 pieces of news.
First, in just 3 1/2 weeks on Monday, September 8th we will start our 22nd season of AdventuRides. Stay tuned for more details.
This is a picture of storm going out to sea after just missing Bar Harbor.
Second, our intrepid rider Susan completed the RAGBRAI ride across Iowa. Here is her report.
My wonderful niece-in-law, Penelope and I just completed our ride across Iowa, about 420 miles, a moving circus in 7 days with 10,000 other week long riders and another 5 - 10K on any given day. What a hoot!
Third. And our intrepid rider "Other Bill" rode the PMC again. Here is his report:
Saturday was the worst ride in the PMC's 35 year history. Pouring rain for at least two hours. (It made our Halloween Salem ride seem like being in Key West.) I ended up with a case of hypothermia and had to skip the last 8 miles of the day. After a warm (no hot water) shower at the Mass Maritime Academy, (where we stayed over night) I felt much better. Sunday's ride was more of an effort than I recall in the past but we (my daughter and I) made it to Provincetown by 1:00 (after a5:30am start) with stops at 3 water stops and at the top of my street in Truro where some neighbors came out to greet us.
Hope to see you in 3 1/2 weeks.
Bill and Carole