Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Monday, October 26, 2015
at 7:48 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Well, I've turned over the AdventuRides Keys to Carole.

The foliage in Hollis and Brookline should be excellent!
On Friday, October 30th - East Pepperell Center
Starting Point
- Name - Rail Trail Parking
- Address - 56 Groton Street
- Town - Pepperell, MA, 01463
- Navigation - Google
- Parking - Gravel parking lot beside Kemp's Service Station.
- Facilities - NONE.
9:30 AM - The Morning Fitness Ride will leave.
- Route Map - East Pepperell - Brookline
- Distance - 16.5 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 700 feet (moderate).
- Unpaved - None.
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 18 flat smooth miles.
11:30 AM - We are scheduled to be back.
11:30 AM - Lunch Time
12:30 PM - The Afternoon Recreation Ride will leave.
- Route Map - East Pepperell - Hollis.
- Distance - 12 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 660 feet (moderate).
- Unpaved - A couple of miles.
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 14 flat smooth miles.
2:30 PM - We are scheduled to be back.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
at 7:30 AM
On Monday, October 26th - Carlisle Center
Starting Point
- Name - Center Park
- Address - Lowell Street
- Town - Carlisle, MA 01741
- Navigation - Google - Waze
- Parking - at Center Park just up the street from Fern's - Please DO NOT PARK at FERN'S.
- Facilities - Fern's outback PortaPotty, or buy something at Fern's.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Sunday, October 25, 2015
at 6:50 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Sorry, late again... The next few weeks will feature rides from opposite days earlier this season. For example a Friday Afternoon Recreation Ride from September will be repeated this Monday morning.
Well, there will definitely be a nip in the air tomorrow with temps around 40 in the morning and 50 in the afternoon. It should also be SUNNY and not very windy.
The Morning Recreation Ride will take us to Heart Pond, Genuine porcelain bathrooms at Great Brook Farm and back through scenic Carlisle.
The Afternoon Fitness Ride will take us to the Olde North Bridge and beautiful Monument Street. Porcelain bathrooms at ONB.
On Monday, October 26th - Carlisle Center
Starting Point
- Name - Center Park
- Address - Lowell Street
- Town - Carlisle, MA 01741
- Navigation - Google - Waze
- Parking - at Center Park just up the street from Fern's - Please DO NOT PARK at FERN'S.
- Facilities - Fern's outback PortaPotty, or buy something at Fern's.
9:30 AM - The Morning Recreation Ride will leave.
- Route Map - Carlisle - GBFSP.
- Distance - 12 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 230 feet, 2 noticeable hills.
- Unpaved - none.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my road bike.
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 15 flat, paved miles.
11:30 AM - We are scheduled to be back.
12:30 PM - The Afternoon Fitness Ride will leave.
- Route Map - Carlisle - Old North Bridge.
- Distance - 15 1/4 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 275 feet (average)
- Unpaved - a little bit.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my road bike (as usual).
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 21 flat, paved miles.
2:30 PM - We are scheduled to be back.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Friday, October 23, 2015
at 7:30 AM
On Friday, October 23th - Hudson
Starting Point
- Name - Horseshoe Pub Parking
- Address - 29 South Street
- Town - Hudson, MA 01749
- Navigation - Google - Waze
- Parking - Park at the back of the lot.
- Facilities - NONE.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Wednesday, October 21, 2015
at 8:27 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Friday's forecast is much like Monday's weather. It should be SUNNY, chilly, and breezy in the afternoon.
The Morning Fitness Ride will go through Bolton to Berlin and stop at the old (renovated) church in Berlin. We might even get some coffee or something since I am a contributor.
The Afternoon Recreation Ride will take the Assebet River Rail Trail to Stow and go "BOOOOOOO" when we pass Honey Pot Orchards since they are blocking completion of the Rail Trail.
On Friday, October 23th - Hudson
Starting Point
- Name - Horseshoe Pub Parking
- Address - 29 South Street
- Town - Hudson, MA 01749
- Navigation - Google - Waze
- Parking - Park at the back of the lot.
- Facilities - NONE.
9:30 AM - The Morning Fitness Ride will leave.
- Route Map - Hudson - Berlin
- Distance - 16 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 700 feet (no BIG hills)
- Unpaved - a bit.
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 20 flat smooth miles.
11:30 AM - We are scheduled to be back.
11:30 AM - Lunch Time
Many Choices!
12:30 PM - The Afternoon Recreation Ride will leave.
- Route Map - Hudson - Stow
- Distance - 16 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 600 feet.
- Unpaved - a few miles of unpaved rail trail.
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 18 flat smooth miles.
2:30 PM - We are scheduled to be back.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Tuesday, October 20, 2015
at 6:07 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
We don't have anyone to lead the ride on Wednesday :-(
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Monday, October 19, 2015
at 7:30 AM
On Monday, October 19th -Meadowbrook Orchards, Sterling
Starting Point
- Name - Meadowbrook Orchards.
- Address - 209 Chace Hill Road.
- Town - Sterling, MA 01564.
- Navigation - Google - Waze
- Parking - Please park away from the restaurant, so the regulars won't be inconvenienced.
- Facilities - Everything!!!
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Sunday, October 18, 2015
at 5:02 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Monday looks SUNNY but COLD. It was snowing when I scouted out the route today. It should be mid 30s when we leave and mid 40s when we return. At least is not supposed to be windy. DRESS WARMLY.
We will start at Meadowbrook Orchards in Sterling. They have breakfast, coffee, donuts, PORCELAIN, lunch, and take home goodies, everything a biker could want! And its WARM inside.
The Morning Recreation Ride will zip over to the Wachusett Dam, then ride along the Nashua River before turning UP to Lancaster. The foliage in Lancaster is spectacular and the route takes us by some nice farms and woods before returning to Meadowbrook.
The Afternoon Fitness Ride will go to the Old Stone Church on Wachusett Reservoir where I had trouble getting through all the photographers today. It's seriously beautiful. Then we will ride to Sterling on the MCRT and then down the wide shoulder of Route 62 back to Meadowbrook.
On Monday, October 19th -Meadowbrook Orchards, Sterling
Starting Point
- Name - Meadowbrook Orchards.
- Address - 209 Chace Hill Road.
- Town - Sterling, MA 01564.
- Navigation - Google - Waze
- Parking - Please park away from the restaurant, so the regulars won't be inconvenienced.
- Facilities - Everything!!!
9:30 AM - The Morning Recreation Ride will leave.
- Route Map - Meadowbrook - Lancaster
- Distance - 13 miles
- Elevation Gain - 700 feet.
- Unpaved - A few miles along the Wachusett Reservoir.
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 17 flat smooth miles.
11:30 AM - We are scheduled to be back.
11:30 AM - Lunch Time
Meadowbrook Orchards - YUMMY lunch (but can be slow). Lots of frozen entrees to take home.
12:30 PM - The Afternoon Fitness Ride will leave.
- Route Map - Meadowbrook - Old Stone Church.
- Distance - 16 1/2 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 800 feet.
- Unpaved - a couple miles of smooth gravel on the MCRT.
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 20 flat smooth miles.
2:30 PM - We are scheduled to be back.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Friday, October 16, 2015
at 7:33 AM
On Friday, October 16th -Groton Center
Starting Point
Name - Rail Trail Parking
Address - 2 Station Ave.
Town - Groton, MA 01450
Navigation - Google - Waze
Parking - Plenty - Park facing away from Buckingham Bus to keep the "Groton Precision Parking Police" happy.
Facilities - Porcelain at Town Hall.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, October 15, 2015
at 9:01 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Again I am late with the ride announcements :-(
The latest forecast shows SUNNY, temps near 60, and a bit breezy in the afternoon. Of course its Filho's for LUNCH.
On Friday, October 16th -Groton Center
Starting Point
- Name - Rail Trail Parking
- Address - 2 Station Ave.
- Town - Groton, MA 01450
- Navigation - Google - Waze
- Parking - Plenty - Park facing away from Buckingham Bus to keep the "Groton Precision Parking Police" happy.
- Facilities - Porcelain at Town Hall.
9:30 AM - The Morning Fitness Ride will leave.
- Route Map - Groton - Squannacook.
- Distance - 16 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 700 feet.
- Unpaved - a bit of gravel / dirt.
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 19 flat smooth miles.
11:30 AM - We are scheduled to be back.
11:30 AM - Lunch Time
12:30 PM - The Afternoon Recreation Ride will leave.
- Route Map - Groton - Baddacook - Dunstable.
- Distance - 14 1/2 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 650 feet.
- Unpaved - a bit of gravel.
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 17 flat smooth miles.
2:30 PM - We are scheduled to be back.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
at 5:57 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Again I am late with the ride announcements :-(
The latest forecast shows SUNNY, temps near 60, and a bit breezy in the afternoon. Of course its Filho's for LUNCH.
I haven't figured out the routes yet, but I will say the Fall foliage should be spectacular.
On Friday, October 16th -Groton Center
Starting Point
- Name - Rail Trail Parking
- Address - 2 Station Ave.
- Town - Groton, MA 01450
- Navigation - Google - Waze
- Parking - Plenty - Park facing away from Buckingham Bus to keep the "Groton Precision Parking Police" happy.
- Facilities - Porcelain at Town Hall.
9:30 AM - The Morning Fitness Ride will leave.
- Route Map - TBD
- Distance -
- Elevation Gain -
- Unpaved -
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 19 flat smooth miles.
11:30 AM - We are scheduled to be back.
11:30 AM - Lunch Time
12:30 PM - The Afternoon Recreation Ride will leave.
- Route Map - TBD
- Distance -
- Elevation Gain -
- Unpaved -
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 15 flat smooth miles.
2:30 PM - We are scheduled to be back.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Wednesday, October 14, 2015
at 7:37 AM
On Wednesday, October 14th- Westminster
Starting Point
Name - Academy Hill Gazebo.
Address - 32 Academy Hill road
town - Westminster, MA 01473
Navigation - Google - Waze
Parking - Along the road.
Facilities - Clean, Fresh PortaPotty.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Tuesday, October 13, 2015
at 7:52 AM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Forgive the messed up formatting. I am in Bar Harbor.
I have good news, great news and even better news! First, the weather looks nearly perfect, perhaps a bit windy, but that will keep the bugs off. Secondly, there is a fresh, clean PortaPotty at the starting point. And best of all, the beautiful Princeton Public Library will be open and they have PORCELAIN :-) Oh, and there are goats along the way too...

One of our rest stops.
The ride itself is hilly, but nothing that we haven't done before. I'm still tinkering with the route, but it will be similar to the one I mapped below.
Then, after the ride, we will have LUNCH at The Angler Fish Market & Chowder Co.
On Wednesday, October 14th- Westminster
Starting Point
Name - Academy Hill Gazebo.
Address - 32 Academy Hill road
town - Westminster, MA 01473
Navigation - Google - Waze
Parking - Along the road.
Facilities - Clean, Fresh PortaPotty.
9:30 AM - The Fearless Leader's Choice Ride will leave.
Route Map - Westminster - PrincetonDistance - 25 miles.Elevation Gain - 1500 feet.Unpaved - 3 miles (generally smooth).AR Index - Roughly equal to 35 flat smooth miles.
1:30 PM - We are scheduled to be back.
1:30 PM - Lunch Time!
The Angler Fish Market & Chowder Co. - Westminster
RSVP to Carole if you are interested!
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Sunday, October 11, 2015
at 4:18 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Enjoy your Columbus day!
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Saturday, October 10, 2015
at 5:06 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Our intrepid rider, Darlene, has some fun suggestions.
Hi Bill and Carole,
Thought you might want to post the Boston Bike Film Fest to the group.
I'd be interested in going with others.
Also, come out to Somerville and/or Cambridge this weekend for Honk Fest.
honkfest.orgI can hear playing them now from my office. The main events are Sat from 1 to 9 in Davis Sq and Sun 12 parade from Davis to Harvard, bands in Harvard Sq from 2 to 6.
This is absolutely my favorite weekend in Somerville every year!!
- Darlene
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Friday, October 9, 2015
at 7:30 AM
On Friday, October 9th - Forge Pond Beach, Westford
Starting Point
- Name - Forge Pond Beach.
- Address - (Near) 1 West Prescott Street.
- Town - Westford, MA 01886.
- Navigation - Google - Waze
- Parking - Plenty - There is a small road right next to the railroad track crossing the leads to the beach. Its at the intersection of West Prescott, East Prescott, and Pleasant Streets (blinking lights, railroad crossing, Abbott Mills, etc.).
- Facilities - None.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, October 8, 2015
at 8:58 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
The weather is not looking good tomorrow, especially after noon. So, we are going to start closer to home and with lunch inside if its raining.
The Morning Fitness Ride will go around Keyes Pond, Nabnassett Pond, and Stony Brook.
The Afternoon Recreation Ride will go to Westford Center, Burge's Pond, and Stony Brook Reservoir.
On Friday, October 9th - Forge Pond Beach, Westford
Starting Point
- Name - Forge Pond Beach.
- Address - (Near) 1 West Prescott Street.
- Town - Westford, MA 01886.
- Navigation - Google - Waze
- Parking - Plenty - There is a small road right next to the railroad track crossing the leads to the beach. Its at the intersection of West Prescott, East Prescott, and Pleasant Streets (blinking lights, railroad crossing, Abbott Mills, etc.).
- Facilities - None.
9:30 AM - The Morning Fitness Ride will leave.
- Route Map - Forge Village - Nabnassett
- Distance - 14 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 600 feet.
- Unpaved - a bit near Nabnassett
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 17 flat smooth miles.
11:30 AM - We are scheduled to be back.
11:30 AM - Lunch Time
12:30 PM - The Afternoon Recreation Ride will leave.
- Route Map - Forge Village - Burge's Pond
- Distance - 11 1/2
- Elevation Gain - 600 feet
- Unpaved - A couple of miles in East Boston Camps
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 15 flat smooth miles.
2:30 PM - We are scheduled to be back.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
at 5:49 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
The weather is not looking good tomorrow, especially after noon. So, we are going to start closer to home and with lunch inside if its raining.
I haven't figured out the exact routes yet, but I wanted to give everyone a heads up on the starting point. Stay tuned for updates.
On Friday, October 9th - Forge Pond Beach, Westford
Starting Point
- Name - Forge Pond Beach.
- Address - (Near) 1 West Prescott Street.
- Town - Westford, MA 01886.
- Navigation - Google - Waze
- Parking - Plenty - There is a small road right next to the railroad track crossing the leads to the beach. Its at the intersection of West Prescott, East Prescott, and Pleasant Streets (blinking lights, railroad crossing, Abbott Mills, etc.).
- Facilities - None.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Wednesday, October 7, 2015
at 7:30 AM
On Wednesday, October 7th - Bedford Depot
Starting Point
- Name - Depot Park
- Address - 120 South Road
- Town - Bedford, MA, 01730
- Navigation - Google Maps
- Parking - By the old rail car.
- Facilities - Maybe?
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Tuesday, October 6, 2015
at 9:45 PM
Posted by
Fearless Leader
at 2:40 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
The weather for tomorrow looks PERFECT, so Nearly Fearless Leader will lead a ride to Davis Square from Bedford Depot on the Minuteman Bikeway.
Friday's weather is not looking so good and Monday is a holiday, so get out and enjoy the Fall foliage!
On Wednesday, October 7th - Bedford Depot
Starting Point
- Name - Depot Park
- Address - 120 South Road
- Town - Bedford, MA, 01730
- Navigation - Google Maps
- Parking - By the old rail car.
- Facilities - Maybe?
9:30 AM - The Fearless Leader's Choice Ride will leave.
- Route Map - Bedford - Somerville.
- Distance - 23 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 500 feet (easy)
- Unpaved - None
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 26 flat smooth miles.
11:30 AM - Lunch Time
2:30 PM - We are scheduled to be back.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Monday, October 5, 2015
at 7:30 AM
On Monday, October 5th - West Acton
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Sunday, October 4, 2015
at 5:18 PM
If you enjoyed the weather today, you'll enjoy the similar yet somewhat warmer weather tomorrow. It should be partly cloudy and 50 degrees in the morning and 60s in the afternoon with light breezes.
The morning Recreation ride will go to Littleton's Long Pond, we'll try out the newly paved Nashoba Road, and stop at Nagog Orchards before returning.
The afternoon Fitness ride will travel UP to Hill Road and the old Schoolhouse, then its DOWN to Boxboro Center. We will pass Minuteman Airport on our way to South Acton before returning.
On Monday, October 5th - Acton
9:30 AM - The Morning Recreation Ride will leave.
- Route Map - West Acton - Nagog.
- Distance - 14 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 650 feet.
- Unpaved - a bit.
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 17 flat smooth miles.
11:30 AM - We are scheduled to be back.
11:30 AM - Lunch Time
12:30 PM - The Afternoon Fitness Ride will leave.
- Route Map - West Acton - Schoolhouse.
- Distance - 14.5 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 750 feet.
- Unpaved - none.
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 19 flat smooth miles.
2:30 PM - We are scheduled to be back.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Friday, October 2, 2015
at 7:31 AM
On Friday, October 2nd - Pepperell Rotary.
Starting Point
- Name - Pepperell Recreation Department
- Address - 4 Hollis Street
- Town - Pepperell, MA 01463
- Navigation - Google, Waze
- Parking - Please park away from the building.
- Facilities - None - Unless the Rec Dept is open.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, October 1, 2015
at 6:36 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Sorry for the late notice. Friday doesn't look like a good picnic day, so I changed the ride to Pepperell Rotary.
OK, here is the scoop for tomorrow's rides. The weather is supposed to be Cloudy, Windy, and Chilly. The routes are nice though!
We will meet at the Pepperell ROTARY, NOT at the Rail Trail Parking in East Pepperell Center.
We can get food at C&S Pizza across the rotary from our meeting spot.
On Friday, October 2nd - Pepperell Rotary.
Starting Point
- Name - Pepperell Recreation Department
- Address - 4 Hollis Street
- Town - Pepperell, MA 01463
- Navigation - Google, Waze
- Parking - Please park away from the building.
- Facilities - None - Unless the Rec Dept is open.
9:30 AM - The Morning Fitness Ride will leave.
- Route Map - Pepperell Rotary - Potanipo
- Distance - 15 1/2 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 700 feet (moderate).
- Unpaved - none.
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 20 flat smooth miles.
11:30 AM - We are scheduled to be back.
11:30 AM - Lunch Time
12:30 PM - The Afternoon Recreation Ride will leave.
- Route Map - Pepperell Rotary - Hollis, NH.
- Distance - 12 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 650 feet (moderate).
- Unpaved - A couple miles.
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 16 flat smooth miles.
2:30 PM - We are scheduled to be back.
Hope to see you there,
(Bill and) Carole