AdventuRides Update

Dear AdventuRiders,

As you know,  I am stepping aside as your Fearless Leader.  It has been great fun to exercise and explore with you over the last 13 years!  I am happy to report that AdventuRides will continue with two new leaders this fall: Bill Segal ( and Jane Anderson (  Both Bill and Jane are experienced AdventuRides riders and leaders.  They might reach out to you as they decide the future format  of our group. 
AdventuRides will NOT be listed in the recreation department listings this fall. You will be contacted by email with the details of our fall season as they become available.  I think you will be pleased with the changes under discussion.  We all clearly want your input and feedback.  Feel free to contact Bill and Jane directly if you wish.

Enjoy the summer- and I look forward to seeing you all in the fall.
