Hi All
We hope you are having a good winter and staying healthy.
Just a brief note with some updates. We are roughly half way through our Adventurides hiatus, so we thought you might be interested to know:
1. We are planning to continue leading the rides
2. Our RideWithGPS Club dues will be paid in March thanks to the $15 fees that we paid in the Fall session
3. We have posted the 2017 Spring Calendar at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JbZ-E9CtPMcIRTxJmhoXzVy5uZtc-dvXme0aHgG-BYQ/edit#gid=1501270448. Bill has listed a place-holder date of March 31st for the first ride - on the Minuteman Bikeway to Somerville and Dave's Pasta as a sort of annual social get back together and easy ride. Jane entered a ride in Carlisle for April 5. Both of us greatly appreciate the leading done last year by many of you and hope that you'll do it again in the upcoming session. You can find a list of the rides on the sheet called Route List (at the bottom of the calendar sheet).
See you in 60 days or so, if not sooner.
Jane and Bill