Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Friday, September 29, 2017
at 7:20 AM
Be ready to leave Ipswich at 10am.
Weather the same as predicted last night except we get one more degree.
Bill 781-248-2624
Joel 978-501-0751
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, September 28, 2017
at 12:15 PM
Ipswich on Friday!!
Tomorrow Darlene will lead us on the new Ipswich ride. It is about 25 miles long and takes us out to Great Neck along the water of Plum Island Sound as well as to Castle Hill.
Be ready for a 10am start.
The forecast for tomorrow in Ipswich is for sunny skies and 55 (yes, 55) degrees at 10 and 62 at lunch time.
After the ride, we'll take a ten minute trip by car on rte 133 to Essex and have lunch at the famous Woodman's of Essex (where Lynda can get fried clams). The address is 121 Main St. in Essex.
They specialize in seafood, but there's lots of other food as well. Or, you can BYO.
See you there!
Bill & Joel & Darlene
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Wednesday, September 27, 2017
at 7:22 AM
Nice weather this morning. A little warm this afternoon. Humidity dropping during the day.
Bill & Joel
Begin forwarded message:
Subject: Wednesday's Rides
Date: September 26, 2017 at 4:40:44 PM EDT
Two nice rides tomorrow...
Tomorrow, we'll park at the Nashua River Rail Trail lot in East Pepperell. It's at about 56 Groton St. in E. Pepperell.
The morning recreation ride will be East Pepperell - Hollis, about 12 miles and 660' of elevation. The ride will leave at 9:30 and return around 11:15.
Lunch will be at Charlotte's Cozy Kitchen, across the street on Main St. or you can BYO.
The afternoon fitness ride will be East Pepperell - Brookline, about 16 miles and 714'. The ride will leave at 12:30 and return at 2:30.
Tomorrow's weather will be sunny with 73 degrees when we start in the morning and 85 by 2:00.
For the Friday Ipswich ride, if you want to carpool and don't know with whom to ride, let us know and we will help. The forecast is for sunny, cool, slightly breezy weather.
See you tomorrow.
Bill & Joel
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Sunday, September 24, 2017
at 7:34 PM
Reminder - Monday 9:30am - Harvard. Park behind the town building on Elm St...
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Saturday, September 23, 2017
at 8:01 PM
Stephanie's Cafe hit the spot after Friday's ride:

On Monday we'll ride in Harvard:
The ride starts at 9:30 and returns by 11:30
Lunch will be at the Harvard General Store or BYO.
The ride starts at 12:30 and ends by 2:00.
On Wednesday, we'll do two East Pepperell rides.
On Friday, we'll ride in Ipswich.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, September 21, 2017
at 4:16 PM

And so autumn begins….
Tomorrow, weather permitting, we'll be riding with Stephanie on her new, beautiful
Westford route of 24.7 miles and 1335' (=54'/mile) elevation. The ride goes to 4 of the ponds in Westford.
Right now the forecast is for a cloudy day with temps in the low 60s. There a chance of rain by 2pm.
In addition, Stephanie has invited us to park at her house and have some of her world-famous vegetarian lentil soup after the ride (12:15 or so)!
Let's be at
her house, ready to go at
9:30. The address is 74 Beaver Brook Rd in Littleton but the house numbers on Beaver Brook are a little crazy, so use these hints:
1. There is a mail box at her driveway and it says "Malone"
2. Her house is between Christopher Road and Woodland Drive, each off of Beaver Brook. If you're coming from the north (e.g. Groton), her house will be on the right just after Christoper Rd and if you're coming from the south (e.g. Harvard) her house will be on the left just after Woodland Dr.
Hope to see you there!
(Look for a Go- No Go message in the morning.)
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Tuesday, September 19, 2017
at 4:24 PM
No rides tomorrow due to inclement weather.
On Friday, we'll do either Ipswich or Westford. Wind will be the main issue in Ipswich, currently forecasted to be 21mph from the NE with temps in the high 60s…so it will feel even cooler. Whereas in Westford it will be in the low 70s with a 14mph wind.
Happy New Year to those who celebrate Rosh Hashanah!
Bill & Joel
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Friday, September 15, 2017
at 7:35 AM
Let's plan to meet at 9:30 at the Bedford Depot.
According to the forecast, rain may start at 1:00. So we'll get in as much riding as possible and maybe stop at the Kickstand Cafe in Arlington instead of Dave's.
GO Bedford 9:30
Bill & Joel
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, September 14, 2017
at 2:42 PM
Due to the weather forecast for clouds and possible rain, we're postponing the Ipswich ride until we get a Friday with nice weather.
Instead, we're planning the Bedford - Somerville ride on the Minuteman Commuter Bike Path and lunch at Dave's Pasta (or any other nice place).
We'll meet at the
Bedford Depot (at about 90 Loomis St, Bedford) for a 10:00 departure.
The ride is about 23 miles and mostly flat.
We'll probably eat on the early side and return by 2:00.
For those who like hills, we'll have 10 minutes of extra exercise in Lexington.
Hope to see you tomorrow.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Monday, September 11, 2017
at 6:53 AM
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Sunday, September 10, 2017
at 7:58 PM
The weather tomorrow will be sunny with temps between 63 in the morning and 75 by 2:00.
Lunch will be from 11:30 to 12:30, either BYO or take out from the Farmhouse Cafe (17 Pleasant St)
For those of you who didn't ride on Friday, please arrive in time to initial and sign the waiver and bring $10 if you plan to ride more than once.
See you there,
Joel 978-501-0751
Bill 781-248-2624
PS If the link doesn't work, try right click and open link...
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Saturday, September 9, 2017
at 5:19 PM

On Monday (current forecast: sunny with a high of 79)we'll do two beautiful rides in Dunstable:
We'll leave at 9:30 and be back at 11:30.
Lunch will be BYO on the picnic tables at the field or take out from Farmhouse Cafe at 17 Pleasant St. (One of us will drive back to the Cafe to pick up the orders so we won't have to carry them on our bikes.)
Afternoon Ride: Dunstable - Recreation 15 miles and 714' This ride has a 1 mile trail through the woods after the stone arch bridge.
We'll leave at 12:30 and return at 2:00.
On Wednesday, September 13 (partly cloudy, 83): West Action - Littleton and West Acton Schoolhouse
On Friday, September 15 (currently forecasting rain but stay tuned): Ipswich!!
Happy weekend,
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Friday, September 8, 2017
at 7:21 AM
GO - Hudson
Weather fine, a little cool.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, September 7, 2017
at 6:16 PM
The Hudson weather for tomorrow looks good…. 64 degrees at 10am and about 70 shortly after noon. I'll send an update in the morning with the GO/NOGO message.
Bring an initialed and signed waiver if you can, along with $10 if you plan to ride more than once this session.
Please pump up your tires, bring your helmet, water and smile!
See you there!
Bill and Joel
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Wednesday, September 6, 2017
at 2:00 PM
Joel and I have changed the route for Friday. It still starts from the same place and is the Hudson Stow ride which is shorter and less hilly (16.1 miles and 579') so maybe more riders will come along. This ride uses the upper part of the Assabet River Rail Trail and goes through the Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge and the Delaney Flood Control Site.
The reason for the change is that both of the other Hudson routes we were considering have a blocked road (thanks to Carole for letting us know).
I'll send a reminder tomorrow night.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Saturday, September 2, 2017
at 3:23 PM
Hello Adventuriders
We hope you're all having a great Labor Day weekend and that you have your bikes all ready to go.
Our first ride of the season is scheduled for next Friday, although the long range forecast is calling for rain in the morning (maybe we could meet for lunch and then ride!).
For lunch we'll go to the Flatbread Rail Trail Co. at 33 Main St. and we'll park and meet behind the Horseshoe Pub at 29 South St in Hudson. Please park well back of the Pub.
We'll meet at 9:30 and collect your initialed and signed waivers (see attached) and start the ride at 9:45. Lunch will be between 12 and 12:30.
You'll note on the map that the New City Microcreamery is right across the street from Flatbread. It's a great place for a reward for a nice ride.
Please remember to bring:
waiver (we'll have extra ones)
full tires
We'll send a reminder on Thursday evening and a GO/NOGO message on Friday morning.
Also, please clear your calendar for Friday the 15th for Darlene's new Ipswich ride and the 22nd for Stephanie's new Westford ride.
On Monday and Wednesday the 11th and 13th we'll be riding in Dunstable and Bolton.
Bill 781-248-2624
Joel 978-501-0751