Reminder - Harvard - Depot Road Tomorrow

Dear AdventuRiders,

The morning Recreation Ride will feature:

  1. Mid 70 degrees and partly cloudy.
  2. Fruitlands Museum.
  3. Tree People.
  4. Mountain Views.
  5. GOATS!
  6. Bare Hill Pond.
  7. A bit of gravel / dirt road.
  8. Thurston's Beach.
  9. Town Beach (hopefully).
  10. About 13 Miles and hilly. Here is a map.
  11. I'm bringing my road bike.

There really isn't any place close by for lunch, so I am bring my lunch.

The afternoon Fitness Ride will feature:
  1. 80 degrees and partly cloudy.
  2. Oak Hill <-- Yes, its a hill :-)
  3. Apple Orchards.
  4. Rolling Farmland.
  5. Delaney Pond.
  6. Horses.
  7. West Bare Hill Road (going down though).
  8. Bare Hill Pond Beach (hopefully).
  9. Flower Gardens.
  10. About 15 miles and very hilly. Here is a map.
  11. I'm bringing my road bike.

On Friday, June 4th
, we will meet at the soccer fields in Harvard on Depot Road. Here is a map.

* At 9:30 AM - The Recreational ride will leave for Bare Hill Pond. Here is a map.
* At 11:30 AM - We will have a BYOL picnic at the soccer field.
* At 12:15 PM - The Fitness ride will leave for Bolton. Here is a map.
* At 2:15 PM - We will be back.

Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole

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