Dear AdventuRiders,
I will down on Cape Cod for a friend's wedding this weekend, so I haven't had time to plan next weeks rides yet. I will fill in the blanks by Sunday evening, but here is what I am thinking...
On Monday, May 16th - West Groton
The flowers at Holdenwood in Shirley Center are in full and spectacular bloom, so I thought I would take a ride up there.
We can have lunch at the Clover Farm Store in West Groton.
On Wednesday, May 18th - East Pepperell Center
The weather is looking potentially crappy all week, so I didn't schedule the Portsmouth ride :-(
We can go up to Nashua, have lunch at Martha's Exchange and cruise back through Mine Falls Park.
On Friday, May 20th - TBD
Stay tuned for more updates,
Bill and Carole