Skiing on Monday - Party after the Holidays

Dear AdventuRiders,

Well, we were hoping for a warmer, less windy season finale. If you've been outside today you know it's not biking weather, and tomorrow isn't going to be much better. So the Monday rides are CANCELLED :-(

Fear not though, Wachusett Mountain is open for the season and my season pass is itching to be used. It should be PERFECT skiing weather.

We haven't got around to planning our 10th anniversary party yet, and we thought a mid-January party would be a good winter break. Of course all our former, current, and future riders are invited. That's about as far as we've gotten. Our first thought for a date is Friday, January 17th since our ski passes don't work that day. Thoughts?

On Monday, November 25th - Wachusett Mountain
  • I am taking the kids to school and should be at Wachusett around 9:00AM.
  • Look for the guy in a yellow coat, short skis and no poles.
  • Distance - TBD.
  • Elevation Gain - 1000 feet (if the summit trails are open).
  • Rough Surface - not at Wachusett!
  • Equipment - I plan to bring my short skis.

Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole

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