Dear AdventuRiders,
Sorry for my extremely late planning. Don't ever try to build a new house 250 miles away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyhow, it should be a pretty nice day tomorrow. It could be a bit chilly in the morning and we'll need to watch the weather around noon, but other than that, Fall in New England.
On Monday, September 14th - Groton Center
Starting Point
- Name - Groton Center Rail Trail Parking
- Address - 2 Station Ave.
- Town - Groton, MA 01450
- Navigation - Google - Waze
- Parking - Park away from Buckingham Bus and facing the correct direction.
- Facilities - Bathrooms at Town Hall.
9:30 AM - The Morning Recreation Ride will leave.
- Route Map - Groton - Ayer - Devens
- Distance - 13.5 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 300 (easy)
- Unpaved - none
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 15 flat smooth miles.
11:30 AM - We are scheduled to be back.
11:30 AM - Lunch Time
12:30 PM - The Afternoon Fitness Ride will leave.
- Route Map - Groton - Pepperell - Mt Lebanon
- Distance - 13.5 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 600 feet.
- Unpaved - 1/2 mile - it could be rough.
- AR Index - Roughly equal to 18 flat smooth miles.
2:30 PM - We are scheduled to be back.
It will just be me tomorrow :-(
L'Shana Tova to Carole