Dear AdventuRiders,
Well, the hot and humid weather continues, but so does the Breakfast Club rides! As someone who HATES to get up early, I must say that I am enjoying these rides.
So, tomorrow we will meet at the parking lot on Sand Hill Road in Groton where the Nashua River Rail Trail crosses. Here is a map. From there we will ride on the rail trail to Nashua and then Hollis NH to have a delicious breakfast at the Hollis Country Kitchen. On the way back we will visit Beaver Brook Association and perhaps take a dip in the Nissitissit River to cool off. There is quite a bit of smooth dirt / gravel roads on the way back, but I'm bringing my road bike anyway. The route is a little over 19 miles, and 370 feet vertical and quite scenic. Here is a map.
You don't have to RSVP, but if nobody does I will probably not show up.
On Monday, July 19th - We will meet at the Sand Hill Road parking lot for the NRRT. Here is a map.
- At 7:30 AM - We will leave for Hollis. Here is a map.
- At 8:30 AM ish - We will have breakfast at the Hollis Country Kitchen.
- At 10:30 AM ish - We should be back.
Similar rides on Wednesday and Friday, if I feel like it.
Hope to see you there,