Groton Center Tomorrow and Harvard on Friday

Dear AdventuRiders,

Well, it looks like another warm, muggy day is on the way for tomorrow, so I scheduled a shorter, easier, ride with a optional swim along the way.

Tomorrow, we will meet at the Rail Trail parking in Groton Center at 9:30 AM. Here is a map.
Beware of the Precision Parking Police!
Only parallel park between the signs and make sure you are facing the correct direction (facing away from Buckingham Bus).

After I do a final precision parking check, we will head for West Groton for a ride along the Squannacook River. Then we will head UP Wallace Hill Road in Townsend, DOWN to the Nissitissit River and back on the Rail Trail. The route is about 24 miles and 600 feet vertical, mostly on Wallace Hill Road. There may be some off road if we decide to go to Bertozzi, but I'm bringing my road bike anyway. Here is a map.

On Wednesday, September 29th - We will meet in Groton Center at the Rail Trail parking. Here is a map.

* At 9:30 AM - We will leave for West Groton. Here is a map.
* At 12:30 PM - We should be back.
* At Noonish - We will have lunch (Filho's?).

On Friday October 1st, we will meet at Harvard.

* At 9:30 AM - The Recreation Ride will leave.
* At 11:30 AM - We will have a picnic lunch.
* At 12:15 PM - The Fitness Ride will leave.
* At 2:15 PM - We will be back.

Hope to see you there,

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