Reminder - Harvard Track Tomorrow - NOT Depot Road

Dear AdventuRiders,

Well, tomorrow is almost certainly a washout, but I will plan the rides anyway.

I will send out a GO or a STOP notice before 8:00 tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow, we will try a new starting point in Harvard. We will be meeting at the Harvard Track behind the Harvard Post Office on Route 110. Here is a map. Janet told me about a new path that connects Depot Road to the area on the other side of Route 2. Thanks Janet! The path is loose gravel and not very suitable for road bikes, so I will be bringing my born again - again Bianchi Hybrid Bike.

On Friday October 1st, we will meet at the Harvard Track. Here is a map.

* At 9:30 AM - The Recreation Ride will leave.
* At 11:30 AM - We will have a picnic lunch from Sorrento's or Pizza Bella.
* At 12:15 PM - The Fitness Ride will leave.
* At 2:15 PM - We will be back.

Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole

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