Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Sunday, April 30, 2017
at 11:16 AM
On Monday, May 1 - Harvard
Starting Point: Harvard Town Hall, 9 Elm St.
(When to get to Harvard Center, go right following route 110 and take your first right onto Elm St.)
9:30 The Morning Fitness Ride will leave. Bill will lead.
Route Map Harvard Roller Coaster 13.3 miles: 875 feet of elevation
11:30 We should be back
11: 35 Lunch at the Harvard General Store (at picnic tables) or BYOL
12:30 The Afternoon Recreation Ride will leave. Jane will lead.
Route Map Harvard Bare Hill Pond Distance 9.7 miles 562 feet of elevation
2:30 We should be back.
On Wednesday, May 3 - Hudson
Starting Point: Horseshoe Pub Parking Lot: 29 South St Hudson, MA
(Don't park right near the Pub since we're not using it)
9:30 The Morning Recreation Ride will leave - this is the ride that takes us to the CIA! Jane will lead.
Route Map Hudson - ARNWR 15.5 miles; 460 feet of elevation
11:30 We should be back
11:35 Lunch - The Rail Trail Flatbread Co. 33 Main Street, Hudson
12:30 Afternoon Fitness Ride will leave - Nice ride through Bolton and Berlin . Bill will lead.
Route Map - Hudson - Berlin 15.4 miles; 686 feet of elevation
2:30 PM We should be back
On Friday, May 5th TBD
Jane and Bill
We will send out email the morning of the ride with either a GO or a STOP status. If you don't get an email, check your SPAM folder, or go to for the latest update. If you are late / lost, Bill's cell phone is 781-248-2624 and Jane's cell phone is 508-397-4723.
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Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Friday, April 28, 2017
at 8:23 AM
67 at departure and 78 on return.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
at 7:10 AM
Up until 11am there is a 15% chance of precipitation. I'm willing to take those odds.
GO - East Pepperell - Nashua.
If, by any chance, the forecast should worsen in the next hour or so, I'll send another e-mail.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, April 27, 2017
at 4:58 PM
A Bad Day Outdoors Beats a Good Day Indoors
Forecasters have been modifying the outlook so we've developed Plan A and Plan B for tomorrow's ride.
Plan A
We'll be doing the East Pepperell - Nashua ride. It is 26.5 miles long. We'll ride through Hollis on the way up and Mine Falls Park on the way back. Lunch will be at a restaurant of the group's choice in Nashua. We'll leave at 10am and be back between 2 and 2:30 depending on lunch and stops. The temperature for the day will start at about 65 and go up to 78+!
Plan B
If the forecast worsens, we'll be doing the Harvard - Bare Hill Pond Ride, a recreation ride (9.7miles, 562') starting at 12:30. We plan to meet for lunch at 11:30 at the Harvard General Store first.
I'll send out the Go/Nogo message early tomorrow so you'll have plenty of time to adjust.
Bill (& Jane)
PS If the URL doesn't work, right click and go to "open link"
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Tuesday, April 25, 2017
at 5:07 PM
Due to the rainy/cool forecast, there will be no rides tomorrow.
Forecasters are predicting thunderstorms on Friday morning in most of our riding areas except Hudson.
Jane and I keep an eye on Friday possibilities….
Bill and Jane
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Monday, April 24, 2017
at 7:11 AM
Go Lunenburg!
Temps from mid-50s to low 70s this afternoon. 65 at lunchtime.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Sunday, April 23, 2017
at 10:32 AM

A Bad Day Outdoors Beats a Good Day Indoors
It looks like it will be a great day for biking tomorrow!
On Monday, April 24, the morning Fitness ride, Lunenburg - Pearl Hill will begin at 9:30am from the Boys and Girls Club parking lot at 15 Memorial Drive in Lunenburg (Do not use the parking at the Senior Center next door, but the bathrooms there are available.) This ride is 13.9 miles long and has an elevation of 835'. The temperature in downtown Lunenburg will be 60 at departure time. The ride will return at 11:30. Bill will lead.
Lunch will be BYO at the picnic table outside the Boys and Girls Club. The temperature at noon will be 66.
The afternoon Recreation ride, Lunenburg - Shirley will leave at 12:30 and return at 2:30. This ride is 13 miles long and has an elevation of 659'. This ride goes by both Lake Whalom and Lake Shirley. Jane will Lead.
The current forecast is calling for rain on Wednesday. We were planning to do two rides in Harvard. We'll send out an e-mail Tuesday with an update.
On Friday we'll be doing the East Pepperell - Nashua ride. It is 26.5 miles long. We'll ride through Hollis on the way up and Mine Falls Park on the way back. Lunch will be at a restaurant of the group's choice in Nashua. We'll leave at 10am and be back between 2 and 2:30 depending on stops. The high temperature for the day will be close to 80!
See you tomorrow!
Jane and Bill
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, April 20, 2017
at 7:21 PM
There won't be any rides tomorrow due to inclement weather.
On Monday, we'll be doing two rides in Lunenburg and on Wednesday, if the weather permits, two rides in Harvard.
On Friday we'll be going to Nashua and having lunch there.
More details Sunday evening.
Have a great weekend,
Jane and Bill
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Wednesday, April 19, 2017
at 7:27 AM
Another chilly start, climbing to the 50's.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Tuesday, April 18, 2017
at 9:16 AM
On Wednesday, April 19 - Groton
Reminders : Please rsvp to Bill if you intend to ride Wednesday afternoon
: Please check your email for go/nogo on Wednesday morning
: Friday TBD, Looks like rain
Starting Point: At the end of Station Ave in Groton along the trail, face east
9:30 AM The morning Recreation Ride will leave - #45 Groton Story Book House
This is the easy way to get to historic Shirley Center. If time, we can take a short ride down and back up part of Horse Hill Road to see the spectacular display of daffodils and forsythia.
11:30 AM We'll be back
11:35 AM Lunch - Salt & Light Cafe or Filho's
12:30 PM The afternoon Fitness Ride will leave - #40 Groton-Pepperell-Mt Lebanon
2:30 PM We should be back
See you there,
Jane and Bill
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Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Saturday, April 15, 2017
at 1:37 PM
Here are the rides for Monday (temps in the 60's), April 17 which Joel will be leading:
Monday morning fitness ride: East Pepperell - Brookline:
This ride is 16.3 miles long with an elevation gain of 714'. The ride will leave at 9:30 and return at 11:30.
Monday afternoon recreation ride: East Pepperell - Hollis:
This ride is 11.9 miles long with an elevation gain of 662'. The ride will leave at 12:30 and return at 2:30.
Both rides start from the Nashua River Rail Trail parking area near Kemp's Garage at 56 Groton St in East Pepperell.,-71.5738435,19z?hl=en
Lunch will be byo or at Breen's Diner at the corner of Groton and Main streets.
The long range forecast is calling for some rain on Wednesday and Friday. We'll schedule rides for those days if the forecast changes.
Bill and Jane
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, April 13, 2017
at 7:12 PM
Please RSVP if you plan to go on the afternoon ride tomorrow…Sterling-Wachusett Dam (14.8 miles, 800' elevation).
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Monday, April 10, 2017
at 7:46 AM
It's a GO for today's rides.
Parking at Larter Field. Entrance at about 100 Groton St., Dunstable, MA.
Morning ride - leaving at 9:30 - temp will be 54 degrees, partly cloudy; ending at 11:30 - temp: 67 and mostly sunny
Afternoon ride - leaving at 12:30 - temp will be 72 and mostly sunny; ending at 2:30 temp 76! and mostly sunny
There are options for lunch: the morning ride will pass by the new Farmhouse Cafe near the end. I will stop there for lunch. Take out is a possibility. For those who may wish to bring a lunch, the weather will be good enough to eat outdoors at Larter. It's about a mile from Farmhouse to Larter.
Bring a signed waiver and $10 if you haven't yet.
See you there,
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Sunday, April 9, 2017
at 10:17 AM
The weather for Monday looks perfect. But always check your mail or our website in the morning for the GO/NOGO decision. Please remember your waivers and $10 if this is your first ride of the season. Bill and Jane
On Monday April 10th Dunstable
- Starting Point Map - Dunstable - Larter Field.
- parking - plenty
- porta potty equipped
- picnic tables
Dunstable - Field of Dreams Bill will lead
- 9:30 AM - The Fitness Ride will leave.
- 11:30 AM - We should be back.
- Route Map - #23 Dunstable - Field of Dreams
- Distance - 16 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 896 feet.
- Unpaved - None
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30 BYOL picnic or Farmhouse Cafe The Farmhouse Cafe recently opened in Dunstable Center where the Convenient Mann was once located. This will be our first chance to try it.
Dunstable Recreation Alex will lead
- 12:30 PM - The Recreation Ride will leave.
- 2:30 PM - We should be back.
- Route Map - 25 #Dunstable - Recreation
- Distance - 15.1 miles
- Elevation Gain - 714 feet
- Unpaved - 1 mile.
- Starting Point Map In Sterling center take a left off route 62 onto Waushacum Ave. Just after School St crosses, take a right down a hill on a bumpy driveway. On your right you'll see a store called Oh My Gosh. This is the trailhead parking area for the Central Mass Rail Trail
- parking - adequate
- porta potty equipped
Sterling CMRT Jane will lead
This is a good time to see the Quinapoxet River raging along beside the trail. We will also pass the remains of the Springdale Mill built in the 1860's.
- 9:30 AM - The morning Recreation Ride will leave
- 11:30 we should be back
- Route Map - #72 Sterling CMRT
- Distance - 16.3 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 467 feet
- Off Road - The trail is off-road but smooth
Sterling - Wachusett Dam Bill will lead
The dam is spectacular!
- 12:30 PM The afternoon Fitness Ride leaves
- 2:30 PM We should be back
- Route Map - #74 Sterling - Wachusett Dam (in Clinton)
- Distance 14.8 miles
- Elevation Gain - 796 feet
Friday TBD
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Friday, April 7, 2017
at 7:01 AM
GO - Bedford Depot - 9:30 departure
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, April 6, 2017
at 7:02 PM
Tomorrow morning we'll do our traditional season opening and closing ride to Dave's Pasta in Somerville from the Bedford Depot.
As you know, Jane is not riding this week due to a sprained ankle and I can ride but must be ready and catch a 3:00pm ride to Logan.
So, we must leave Bedford promptly at 9:30 and we'll have lunch on the early side.
I plan to ride to Bedford from my home in Lexington in the morning, so don't bother bringing waivers and $$. And I will leave the ride on the way back (with about 5 miles left.
You can't get lost! You should be back in Bedford by 2:45.
The weather will be mostly cloudy and 48-50 degrees. The wind will be a major factor so dress with one extra layer.
See you in the morning.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Wednesday, April 5, 2017
at 9:27 AM
This afternoon's ride will start at the Acton Library at 12:30pm. This is a recreation ride of 13.5 miles and 688' of elevation.
The parking lot behind the library is at about 11 Woodbury Lane (off rte 27). Park well back of the library. Porcelain inside.
Dress for cool, cloudy weather.
See you there.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Tuesday, April 4, 2017
at 6:49 PM
First, a couple of personal notes:
1. Jane hurt her foot today and is in the hospital having an x-ray. She expects not to be able to lead/ride the rest of the week.
2. I have an ailing sister and brother-in-law in Philadelphia who I need to visit. I'm hoping to go down over the weekend so as not to interfere with biking.
For tomorrow, Jane was planning two rides from the Acton Library….a recreation ride in the morning and a fitness ride in the afternoon.
Due to all the rain today, we are anticipating wet roads tomorrow morning so we are cancelling the morning ride.
I'd be happy to do one of the rides in the afternoon when hopefully the roads will have dried out.
Last Fall very, very few people showed up for Wednesday afternoon rides.
Therefore, please RSVP if you'd like to ride tomorrow afternoon (12:30 - 2:30) and let me know whether you'd like to do the recreation ride (650', 13.5 miles) or the fitness ride (800', 14.5 miles) and we'll do whichever one most would like to do.
For Friday, I'd like to do the Bedford-Somerville ride on the Minuteman Commuter Bike Path and have lunch at Dave's Pasta in Somerville. We might leave Bedford at 9:30 though….
Bill & Jane
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Monday, April 3, 2017
at 7:46 AM
Good morning adventuriders, It's supposed to be over 40 (our temperature cutoff) before 9:30 am. I hope to see you at Center Park for rides around Carlisle and Concord. Jane
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Sunday, April 2, 2017
at 8:51 PM
Due to the snow yesterday (the Freeman Trail and the end of Old North Rd are still snowy and slushy) we're making a slight change in plans for tomorrow: we'll be doing the Old North Bridge ride out of Carlisle instead of the ride that Jane had originally planned in the morning. And then the afternoon ride will be on the north side of route 225. The streets in Carlisle are fine for biking.
Please try to come a bit early to process your waiver and bring:
$10, signed waiver, helmet, water, dress for 44 degrees at the beginning and good cheer.
On Tuesday, we'll send out a notice about Wednesday's rides…which will also be changed (i.e. not in Sterling).
Starting Point
- Name - Center Park
- Address - Fern's is at 8 Lowell Street, Carlisle
- Parking - at Center Park just up the street from Fern's - Please DO NOT PARK at FERN'S.
- Facilities - Fern's outback PortaPotty, or buy something at Fern's.
9:30 AM - The Morning Fitness Ride will leave.
11:30 AM - We are scheduled to be back.
Lunch will be at Ferns or BYOL.
12:30 PM The Afternoon Recreation Ride will leave.
2:30 AM - We are scheduled to be back.
Hope to see you there!!
Bill & Jane
Note: There are over 120 names on the Adventurides mailing list. If you'd like your name/e-mail address deleted, please send Bill or Jane an e-mail.