Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Saturday, September 29, 2012
at 5:59 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
I got an "A" in Meteorology 101 in college, but that was a long time ago. The "official" weatherpersons are changing their minds constantly, so I will leave it to the morning of the ride and I'll be as optimistic as possible. Generally this week it should be 50s when we leave and near 70 when we return with or without clouds / rain. Let's hope for the best.
On Monday, October 1st - West Acton
- 9:30 AM - The Morning Recreation Ride will leave.
- 11:30 AM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Elm Street Playground, West Acton
- Route Map - West Acton - Maynard - ARNWR
- Distance - 14.5 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 215 feet (easy).
- Unpaved - 1/2 mile - may be a bit rough.
- Equipment - I may bring my hybrid, but any well maintained bike will work.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 16 flat, smooth miles.
- 12:30 PM - The Afternoon Recreation Ride will leave.
- 2:30 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Elm Street Playground, West Acton.
- Route Map - West Acton - Stow - ARRT.
- Distance - 17.8 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 315 feet (moderate).
- Unpaved - 2 miles - generally smooth.
- Equipment - I may bring my hybrid, but any well maintained bike will work.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 20 flat, smooth miles.
On Wednesday, October 3rd - NH Seacoast
I am proposing a "Best of the Seacoast Century" ride on Wednesday. There are two flavors of rides, a 1/3 century that starts at Rye Harbor State Park at 9:30 AM, and a 1/2 century that starts at Hampton Beach State Park at 8:30 AM.
The 1/2 Century riders will meet the 1/3 Century riders at Rye Harbor and enjoy the seacoast to Newcastle and Portsmouth before turning inland along the Great Bay. We will ride through the old Pease Air Force Base and historic Newington and across the General Sullivan's Bridge to Newick's Lobster House in Dover for lunch.
On the way back, it is a smooth pavement and rolling hills ride back to the coast. The 1/3 century ride will be back before 2:30PM and the 1/2 century ride will be back before 3:30PM.
Here is the 1/3 Century Map. The AR Index is roughly equal to 36 flat, smooth miles.
Here is the 1/2 Century Map. The AR Index is roughly equal to 51 flat, smooth miles.
On Friday, October 5th - Lunenburg
- 9:30 AM - The Fitness Ride will leave.
- 12:30 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Lunenburg Center.
- Route Map - Lunenburg - Pearl Hill.
- Distance - 26 miles
- Elevation Gain - 750 feet
- Unpaved - None.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 33 flat, smooth miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Friday, September 28, 2012
at 6:15 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
If you can't ride next Wednesday, 10/3, you can quit reading now.
Unfortunately this gloomy weather is supposed to last until Wednesday :-( However, the Wednesday forecast (yes it's a long way off) looks delightful. At the risk of ruining the forecast, I am proposing a "Best of the Seacoast" ride on Wednesday. There are two flavors of rides, a 1/3 century that starts at Rye Harbor State Park at 9:30 AM, and a 1/2 century that starts at Hampton Beach State Park at 8:30 AM.
The 1/2 Century riders will meet the 1/3 Century riders at Rye Harbor and enjoy the seacoast to Newcastle and Portsmouth before turning inland along the Great Bay. We will ride through the old Pease Air Force Base and historic Newington and across the
General Sullivan's Bridge to
Newick's Lobster House in Dover for lunch.
On the way back, it is a smooth pavement and rolling hills ride back to the coast. The 1/3 century ride will be back before 2:30PM and the 1/2 century ride will be back before 3:30PM.
Here is the
1/3 Century Map. The
AR Index is roughly equal to
36 flat, smooth miles.
Here is the
1/2 Century Map. The
AR Index is roughly equal to
51 flat, smooth miles.
RSVP if you are interested.
Bill (and hopefully Carole)
Posted by
Fearless Leader
at 7:42 AM
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, September 27, 2012
at 7:09 PM

Dear AdventuRiders,
Since I totally failed to predict the pretty good day for biking on Wednesday :-( I will simply show you to the current hourly forecast and try to make a better decision tomorrow morning.
The ride is sort of a figure 8 so we can ride 1/2 the ride and easily bail out if the weather gets nasty.
We will ride UP on Sunnyhill Road, then DOWN (mostly) to Lake Shirley. Then it's back UP to the alpacas and Hickory Hills Lake. From there it is UP to Bayberry Hill before zooming down to Pearl Hill State Park. Then it's smooth sailing on new asphalt for about 4 miles. After a final UP to the golf course we will cruise back to Lunenburg Center.
On Friday, September 28th - Lunenburg
- 9:30 AM - The Fitness Ride will leave.
- 12:30 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Lunenburg Center.
- Route Map - Lunenburg - Pearl Hill.
- Distance - 26 miles
- Elevation Gain - 750 feet
- Unpaved - None.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 33 flat, smooth miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Wednesday, September 26, 2012
at 7:53 AM
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Tuesday, September 25, 2012
at 3:08 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Well the weather is not looking good tomorrow :-( The forecast is for Cloudy, low 60s, breezy with a 50% chance of rain when we leave. It should be near 70, windy and a 40% chance of rain when we return.
On Wednesday, September, 26th - Bolton Center
This ride features the vineyard and orchards of Bolton and Berlin. We will have a significant hill early in the ride that will take us UP to beautiful views of the Nashoba Valley. We will visit the Old Church / New Community Center in Berlin before following the Wachusett Aquaduct toward Northboro. Then we will avoid Solomon Pond Mall on our way to the Assebet River Rail Trail for a breezy downhill run to Hudson.
After a yummy lunch and your choice of 80 beers on tap at the
Horseshoe Pub, we will head back past cute animals on some scenic backroads.
- 9:30 AM - The Exploration Ride will leave.
- 11:30 AM - Lunch at the Horseshoe Pub in Hudson.
- 2:30 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Bolton Center Baseball Diamonds
- Route Map - Bolton - ARRT - Hudson
- Distance - 26 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 750 feet.
- Unpaved - None
- Equipment - I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 33 flat, smooth miles.
On Friday, September 28th - Lunenburg
- 9:30 AM - The Fitness Ride will leave.
- 12:30 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Lunenburg Center.
- Route Map - Lunenburg - Pearl Hill.
- Distance - 26 miles
- Elevation Gain - 750 feet
- Unpaved - None.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 33 flat, smooth miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Monday, September 24, 2012
at 6:23 AM
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Sunday, September 23, 2012
at 1:48 PM

Dear AdventuRiders,
Well, I finally rode a whole century in one day! Along with intrepid AdventuRiders Eddie and Donna, we braved cold and drizzle in the morning, but were rewarded by beautiful sunshine after lunch. So far, the after effects are minimal, but I doubt I will be racing around on my bike tomorrow
The weather for tomorrow is looking exceptionally nice with SUNNY skies all day and light breezes. It should be low 50s in the morning and mid 60s in the afternoon.
On Monday, September 24th - Westford, Forge Pond Beach
- At 9:30 AM the Morning Recreation Ride will leave.
- We will return by 11:30 AM.
- Starting Point Map - Forge Pond Beach, Westford.
- Route Map - Forge Pond - Nabnasset Pond
- Distance = 14 miles
- Elevation Gain = 250 feet (easy)
- Unpaved = 2 miles - probably a bit of sand.
- Equipment - Any well maintained bike will work.
AR Index = Roughly 17 flat, paved miles.
- At 12:30 PM the Afternoon Recreation Ride will leave.
- We will return by 2:30 PM.
- Starting Point Map - Forge Pond Beach, Westford.
- Route Map - Forge Pond - Massapoag Pond.
- Distance = 15 miles
- Elevation Gain = 300 feet (medium)
- Unpaved = 1 1/2 miles
- Equipment - Any well maintained bike will work.
AR Index = Roughly 18 flat, paved miles.
On Wednesday, September 26th - Bolton Center - Horseshoe Pub
On Friday, September 28th - Lunenburg - Bangkok Hill
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Friday, September 21, 2012
at 7:27 AM
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, September 20, 2012
at 10:15 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
I still have 2 extra registrations for this weekend's Seacoast Century.
Jane is planning to ride the first half and her husband will provide SAG services for the first half. They have room for 2 other bikers and their bikes if someone else only want to do half.
The latest weather for Portsmouth is still looking good for Saturday. It should be Mostly Cloudy and low 50s when we leave and Mostly Sunny and mid 60s when we return.
There won't be much wind in the morning, perhaps a slight headwind. In the afternoon the wind will pick up from the SE (headwind of course), so I may take the inland shortcut on the way back.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Bill Brandt <> Date: Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 7:07 PM
Subject: Seacoast Century Update
adventurides@googlegroups.comDear AdventuRiders,
If you're not doing the Seacoast Century this weekend, you can stop reading now.
If you are planning to go and haven't responded yet,
RSVP so I can plan accordingly. I have 2 extra registrations if you are interested (Thanks, Joe!).
It looks like Saturday will be the better weather day, but that seems to change frequently. The Portsmouth forecast is for upper 50s and Partly Cloudy when we leave and mid 70's when we return. The wind is forecast to be from the south (good news in the morning, in the afternoon not so much).
Here is my
Northbound map and
Southbound map (although Map My Ride seems to be broken at the moment).
Here is a synopsis of my changes from the Official Route.
Mile 00 -> Hampton Beach Official Start.
Mile 00 -> Mile 10 - Official Route.
Mile 10 -> Mile 27 - You DON'T want to bypass Newcastle and Portsmouth, do you?
Mile 27 -> Official Rest Stop - Newington.
Mile 28 -> Mile 32 - Official Route.
Mile 32 -> Mile 36 - Slightly flatter and (I believe) more scenic route.
Mile 36 -> Mile 86 - Official Route.
Mile 53 -> Official Rest Stop - Fort McClary.
Mile 68 -> Unofficial Rest Stop - La Festa Brick and Brew, Dover, NH.
Mile 77 -> Official Rest Stop - Newington.
Mile 86 -> Mile 89 - Non-windy inland shortcut if we want.
Mile 89 -> Mile 95 - Official Route.
Mile 95 -> Mile 100 - ???
Hope to see you there,
Bill (and hopefully Carole)
Posted by
Fearless Leader
at 4:21 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
The weather is looking pretty good for tomorrow's ride, Partly Cloudy and mid 50s when we leave and Sunny and mid 60s when we return.
I'm going to take it a bit easy tomorrow since I'm planning to ride 100 miles on Saturday. Its still a hilly ride, not unlike Westminster last week, but I'll try to slow it down.
On Friday, September 21st - Meadowbrook Orchards - Sterling
We will do a few miles on the wide shoulder of Route 62 to practice for the Seacoast Century before we start the climb to East Princeton. There is a Cat 5 (easiest category) climb to Justice Hill Road, but I have tried to minimize the "pain" by sticking to scenic backroads whenever possible. There are stunning views of Wachusett Mountain along the way back as we travel quiet roads to Holden and back to Sterling. Lunch is at
Meadowbrook Orchards. If you are so inclined, you can go out and pick a peck of apples too.
Please park at the far end of the parking lot so their regular customers don't have to walk.
- 9:30 AM Start time.
- 12:30 PM Return time.
- Starting Point Map - Meadowbrook Orchards.
- Route Map - Meadowbrook - East Princeton.
- Distance - 25.5 Miles.
- Elevation Gain - 850 feet (just 1 challenging category 5 hill).
- Unpaved - none.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 35 flat, smooth miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Wednesday, September 19, 2012
at 7:48 AM
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Tuesday, September 18, 2012
at 7:07 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
If you're not doing the Seacoast Century this weekend, you can stop reading now.
If you are planning to go and haven't responded yet,
RSVP so I can plan accordingly. I have 2 extra registrations if you are interested (Thanks, Joe!).
It looks like Saturday will be the better weather day, but that seems to change frequently. The Portsmouth forecast is for upper 50s and Partly Cloudy when we leave and mid 70's when we return. The wind is forecast to be from the south (good news in the morning, in the afternoon not so much).
Here is my
Northbound map and
Southbound map (although Map My Ride seems to be broken at the moment).
Here is a synopsis of my changes from the Official Route.
Mile 00 -> Hampton Beach Official Start.
Mile 00 -> Mile 10 - Official Route.
Mile 10 -> Mile 27 - You DON'T want to bypass Newcastle and Portsmouth, do you?
Mile 27 -> Official Rest Stop - Newington.
Mile 28 -> Mile 32 - Official Route.
Mile 32 -> Mile 36 - Slightly flatter and (I believe) more scenic route.
Mile 36 -> Mile 86 - Official Route.
Mile 53 -> Official Rest Stop - Fort McClary.
Mile 68 -> Unofficial Rest Stop - La Festa Brick and Brew, Dover, NH.
Mile 77 -> Official Rest Stop - Newington.
Mile 86 -> Mile 89 - Non-windy inland shortcut if we want.
Mile 89 -> Mile 95 - Official Route.
Mile 95 -> Mile 100 - ???
Hope to see you there,
Bill (and hopefully Carole)
Posted by
Fearless Leader
at 4:59 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Due to the less than "sterling" weather forecast for tomorrow, I am changing the ride to start in Groton Center. It should have stopped raining by 9:30 tomorrow morning, but there will still be a stiff NW wind. The new ride will go into the wind on the way out, and have a tailwind on the way back. The forecast calls for Cloudy and 60 degrees when we leave and Partly Cloudy and mid 60s when we return.
On Wednesday, September 19th - Groton Center
This ride travels along the Squannacook River toward Townsend, passes the Cowdry Nature Center and Hickory Hills Lake in Lunenburg before stopping to visit the Alpacas. From there we will ride past Lake Shirley to the old Fort Devens for a short tour and then to the Nashua River Rail Trail back to Groton.
Lunch is at Filho's Cucina.
- 9:30 AM - the Exploration ride will leave.
- 12:30 PM - we should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Groton Center.
- Route Map - Groton - Lunenburg - Ayer.
- Distance - 26 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 500 feet (moderate).
- Unpaved - None.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 30 flat, smooth miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Monday, September 17, 2012
at 5:47 AM
It may be chilly this morning.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Sunday, September 16, 2012
at 7:07 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
I forgot to mention that according to Google maps, Sterling is 35 minutes from Groton Center. Also, according to Intellicast, it could still be in the 50s when we leave tomorrow morning. Plan accordingly.
Here is more information on the Wednesday and Friday rides:
On Wednesday September 19th - Bolton Center
This ride will take us from the Bolton "Wine Country" through beautiful farms and orchards to Berlin. From there we do our best to avoid Solomon Pond Mall on our way to the Assebet River Rail Trail. The trail is a breezy downhill run to Hudson where we can get lunch at the Horseshoe Pub. Then we will cross the Assebet River on our way back to Bolton. - The Exploration Ride will leave at 9:30 AM.
- LUNCH will be Noonish at the Horseshoe Pub in Hudson, hopefully out on the deck with one of 80 beers on tap sitting in front of me.
- I can give you instructions on how to get back if you don't want lunch.
- Otherwise we will be back by 2:30 PM.
- Starting Point Map = Bolton Center Baseball Diamonds.
- Route Map = Bolton - ARRT - Horseshoe Pub.
- Distance = 22 miles
- Elevation Gain = 550 feet (relatively easy) except for West Street hill.
- Unpaved = None
- Equipment = Any sturdy, well maintained bike will work.
AR Index = Roughly equal to 27 flat, smooth miles.
On Friday, September 21st - Meadowbrook Orchards - Sterling
We will do a few miles on the wide shoulder of Route 62 to practice for the Seacoast Century before we start the climb to East Princeton. There is a Cat 5 (easiest category) climb to Justice Hill Road, but I have tried to minimize the "pain" by sticking to scenic backroads whenever possible. There are stunning views of Wachusett Mountain along the way back as we travel quiet roads to Holden and back to Sterling. Lunch is at
Meadowbrook Orchards. If you are so inclined, you can go out and pick a peck of apples too.
Please park at the far end of the parking lot so their regular customers don't have to walk.
- 9:30 AM Start time.
- 12:30 PM Return time.
- Starting Point Map - Meadowbrook Orchards.
- Route Map - Meadowbrook - East Princeton.
- Distance - 25.5 Miles.
- Elevation Gain - 850 feet (just 1 challenging category 5 hill).
- Unpaved - none.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 35 flat, smooth miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
at 1:41 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
This is looking like another sterling weather week, except possibly Wednesday. So I am planning to start Monday's and Friday's ride in Sterling, MA.
On Monday, we will meet at the Mass Central Rail Trail in Sterling Center for a couple of beautiful rides to West Boyleston. Lunch will be at Village Pizza & More. The weather forecast is for Sunny and around 60 degrees, low humidity and light breezes in the morning and still Sunny and around 70 degrees in the afternoon.
On Monday, September 17th - Sterling - MCRT
The Morning Recreation Ride will explore the Mass Central Rail Trail to Holden and we will return the same way since it is such a nice trail. - The Morning Recreation Ride will leave at 9:30 AM.
- We should be back by 11:30 AM.
- Starting Point Map - Sterling Center - PortaPotty equipped.
- Route Map - Sterling - MCRT.
- Distance - 16 1/2 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 300 feet (easy).
- Unpaved - 8 1/2 - but it doesn't really count.
- Equipment - Any sturdy, well maintained, bike will work.
AR Index = roughly equal to 19 flat, smooth miles.
The Afternoon Recreation Ride will cover the same parts of the MCRT, but will also visit the Old Stone Church in West Boylston.
- The afternoon Recreation Ride will leave at 12:30 PM.
- We should be back by 2:30 PM.
- Starting Point Map - Sterling Center - PortaPotty equipped.
- Route Map - Sterling - MCRT
- Distance - 17 1/2 miles
- Elevation Gain - 420 feet (moderate)
- Unpaved - 8 1/2 - but it doesn't really count
- Equipment - Any sturdy, well maintained, bike will work.
AR Index = roughly equal to 21 flat, smooth miles.
On Wednesday, September 19th - TBD
The weather forecast says 80% chance of rain, but its still a long way off.
On Friday, September 21st - Meadowbrook Orchards
I haven't figured out the exact route, but this is what we did this Spring.
- 9:30 AM Start time.
- 12:30 PM Return time.
- Starting Point Map - Meadowbrook Orchards.
- Route Map - Meadowbrook- Sterling - MCRT
- Distance - 26 Miles.
- Elevation Gain - 750 feet (just 1 challenging category 5 hill).
- Unpaved - 5 miles of beautiful, smooth, crush rock on the MCRT.
- Equipment - I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 33 flat, paved miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Friday, September 14, 2012
at 10:39 PM
Here is the proper Southbound Route link. Thanks Eddie.
Dear AdventuRiders,
If you are not planning to ride the Seacoast Century next weekend (September 22, 23), you can stop reading now.
As you probably know, the Portsmouth bridge is gone this year and it's a 30 mile detour through Dover, NH. This is basically the ride we did a few years ago starting at Newcastle. The SCC route starts in Hampton Beach as usual, but the century turn around point is Fort McClary in Kittery, ME.
The official SCC route skips much of the NH seacoast as well as Newcastle and Portsmouth. THIS WILL NOT STAND, some tinkering is obviously required :-) I have devised a route that follows last year's route through Newcastle and Portsmouth before taking the bike route to the Tradeport (Old Pease Airforce Base) before rejoining the official route at the Newington Rest Stop. Here is my Northbound map. My route it 53 miles to Fort McClary.
On the way back, I basically follow the official route until we get to Rye and then I found a nice shortcut that avoids the coast and a potential sea breeze for a few extra miles. The return route is 43 miles, so we will be a few miles short of 100 when we get to Hampton Beach. Here is my Southbound map. Many alternatives are available to complete the century if your legs/arms/butt are willing.
So, here is my current plan:
- Start early - 7:30 AM perhaps?
- Ride purposefully, but not as fast as last year - 13-14 MPH Moving Average?
- Ride north until I'm half tired :-)
- Stop at LaFesta Brick & Brew in Dover and grab a few pizza slices on the way back.
- Limp back to Hampton Beach.
- A few beers at Ten's Show Club :-)
Let me know what your plans are.
I will send out email the morning of the ride with either a GO or a STOP status. If you don't get an email, check your SPAM folder, or go to for the latest update. If you are late / lost, Bill's cell phone is 508-517-0544 and Carole's cell phone is 978-857-7203.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the "AdventuRides" group.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
Posted by
Fearless Leader
at 6:50 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
If you are not planning to ride the Seacoast Century next weekend (September 22, 23), you can stop reading now.
As you probably know, the Portsmouth bridge is gone this year and it's a 30 mile detour through Dover, NH. This is basically the ride we did a few years ago starting at Newcastle. The SCC route starts in Hampton Beach as usual, but the century turn around point is Fort McClary in Kittery, ME.
The official SCC route skips much of the NH seacoast as well as Newcastle and Portsmouth.
THIS WILL NOT STAND, some tinkering is obviously required :-) I have devised a route that follows last year's route through Newcastle and Portsmouth before taking the bike route to the Tradeport (Old Pease Airforce Base) before rejoining the official route at the Newington Rest Stop.
Here is my Northbound map. My route it 53 miles to Fort McClary.
On the way back, I basically follow the official route until we get to Rye and then I found a nice shortcut that avoids the coast and a potential sea breeze for a few extra miles. The return route is 43 miles, so we will be a few miles short of 100 when we get to Hampton Beach.
Here is my Southbound map. Many alternatives are available to complete the century if your legs/arms/butt are willing.
So, here is my current plan:
- Start early - 7:30 AM perhaps?
- Ride purposefully, but not as fast as last year - 13-14 MPH Moving Average?
- Ride north until I'm half tired :-)
- Stop at LaFesta Brick & Brew in Dover and grab a few pizza slices on the way back.
- Limp back to Hampton Beach.
- A few beers at Ten's Show Club :-)
Let me know what your plans are.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
at 5:06 AM
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, September 13, 2012
at 4:35 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
The ride starts at 9:45 AM since its farther than our normal 1/2 hour drive from Groton. According to Google Maps, it is 38 minutes from Groton Center to Westminster. Please plan accordingly.
The weather tomorrow morning looks to continue the marvelous weather we have been having. It should be SUNNY and mid 60s when we leave and still sunny and mid 70s when we get back with low humidity and light breezes!
The PortaPotty at the Starting Point was locked :-( last time I checked, so ease up on the coffee and/or take advantage of the Dunkin Donuts in Westminster Center before the ride. There is a porcelain potty stop at about the 10 mile mark at the Wachusett Meadows Audubon Refuge on the ride.
Carole suggested a better lunch alternative, so we will be going to
Joseph's Bistro & Pub in Westminster Center instead of the Old Mill.
On Friday, September 14th -Westminster
Get ready for a gorgeous ride around Mount Wachusett. Its a bit outside our 30 minute starting point radius around Groton, but Route 2 is pretty quick and I adjusted the starting time accordingly.
The Fitness Ride will take us west to the Mount Wachusett region. We will start in Westminster, climb UP toward
the west shoulder of Mount Wachusett on some scenic backroads before zooming DOWN to beautiful views at Princeton. From there we ride to Gardner passing many lakes before turning back to Westminster. There are a couple of significant hills at the beginning of the ride including a Cat 5 (easiest category) as we pass the mountain. From there it is rolling hills back to Westminster.
- 9:45 AM - The Exploration Ride will leave.
- 1:00 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point Map - Westminster Bandshell
- Route Map - Westminster - Princeton - Audubon
- Distance - 25 miles
- Elevation Gain - 800 feet (more difficult)
- Unpaved - 1/2 mile - some rough spots
- Equipment - I plan to bring my ROAD bike.
AR Index = roughly 35 flat, smooth miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Wednesday, September 12, 2012
at 8:13 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Is anybody up for a 40 mile Seacoast Century training ride tomorrow morning? We will meet in Groton Center and go to Milford, NH via Wallace Hill and Route 13. After a loop around the Milford Oval, we will zip back down route 13 to Brookline and take Brookline Road back to Pepperell and Longley Road to Groton.
The idea is fewest stops and turns and perhaps a 15 MPH moving average.
RSVP if you are interested.
On Thursday, September 13th - Groton Center
- 9:30 AM - We will leave for Milford.
- 12:30 PM - Hopefully we will be back.
- Starting Point - Groton Center
- Route Map - SCC Training - Groton - Milford
- Distance - 40 miles
- Elevation Gain - 1000 feet.
- Unpaved - None
- Equipment - Fast road bike required.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 50 flat, smooth miles.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
at 5:06 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
If you're not a downhill skier, you can quit reading now. However, it is cool to note that this is Wachusett's 50th anniversary and it is still owned by the same family.
If your still reading, the cutoff date for regular ski passes is October 17th and the cheapest, and arguably the best is $249 for a Bronze Pass. If you sign up through the ADVENTURIDES GPS (Greatest Possible Savings) program, I can save you $10 and the deadline is extended until November 14th. If you are over 65+, I can get you an unlimited GOLD pass for $269.
If you want to sign up
RIGHT NOW, you can go to the
GPS Page, select the pass you want, and use WILLIAM BRANDT as the coordinator name and ADVENTURIDES as the group name. Wachusett seems to use capital letters, so its probably safest to follow suit.
I personally have a Silver Pass since late season weekends can be epic if you get there early.
See you on the slopes,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
at 6:23 AM
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Tuesday, September 11, 2012
at 4:29 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
The weather forecast for tomorrow looks delightful! Sunny and mid 60s when we leave, and still Sunny and mid 70s when we return.
Unfortunately, I have to pick up kids tomorrow at 1:30PM so I can't stop for lunch :-(
On Wednesday, September 12th - Boxboro
This is one of my favorite rides. Its scenic, challenging, and has a two mile downhill run through Harvard. Of course that means that there are some uphills too, but the one category 5 (easiest category) hill we have is mostly just long and not that steep.
The route is about 27 1/2 miles long and 800 feet vertical with most of the elevation gain in the first hill, although it is uphill back to the starting point too. It is all on road and I plan to bring my road bike.
- At 9:30 AM the Exploration Ride will leave.
- We will return by 1:00 PM.
- Starting Point Map. We will meet at the Soccer Fields on Liberty Square Road. PortaPotty equipped.
- Route Map. Boxboro - Harvard - Hudson.
- Distance = 27.5 Miles.
- Elevation Gain = 800 feet (more challenging).
- Unpaved = None.
- Equipment = I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index = Roughly 35 flat, smooth miles.
On Friday, September 14th -Westminster
Get ready for a gorgeous ride around Mount Wachusett. Its a bit outside our 30 minute starting point radius around Groton, but Route 2 is pretty quick and I adjusted the starting time accordingly.
The Fitness Ride will take us west to the Mount Wachusett region. We will start in Westminster, climb UP toward
the west shoulder of Mount Wachusett on some scenic backroads before zooming DOWN to beautiful views at Princeton. From there we ride to Gardner passing many lakes before turning back to Westminster. There are a couple of significant hills at the beginning of the ride including a Cat 5 (easiest category) as we pass the mountain. From there it is rolling hills back to Westminster.
- The Exploration Ride will leave at 9:45 AM.
- We should be back by 1:00 PM.
- Starting Point Map - Westminster Bandshell
- Route Map - Westminster - Princeton - Audubon
- Distance - 25 miles
- Elevation Gain - 800 feet (more difficult)
- Unpaved - 1/2 mile - some rough spots
- Equipment - I plan to bring my ROAD bike.
AR Index = roughly 35 flat, smooth miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Monday, September 10, 2012
at 5:37 AM
It could be a bit chilly this morning.
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Saturday, September 8, 2012
at 9:32 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Welcome to the first full week of AdventuRides - Season 18! The weather is looking delightful at this point.
Please remember to check your tire pressure! Your ride will be MUCH more enjoyable with a properly maintained bike. If you are unsure of the appropriate tire pressure, talk to me before the ride and I can fix you up.
The morning ride features a couple miles of Rail Trail to get bikes and riders sorted out. Then its off to Dunstable on some scenic backroads and then we will return via Martins Pond Road with a stop a Baddacook Pond.
- 9:30 AM - The Morning Recreation Ride leaves.
- 11:30 AM - We should be back (by way of Filho's Cucina).
- Starting Point - Groton Center.
- Route Map - Groton - Dunstable - Baddacook.
- Distance - 14.5 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 250 feet (easy).
- Unpaved - about 1/2 mile of gravel.
- Equipment - Any well maintained bike will work - I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 16 flat, smooth miles.
The afternoon ride features a tour of the old Fort Devens and a few more miles of Rail Trail on the return leg.
- 12:30 PM - The Afternoon Recreation Ride leaves.
- 2:30 PM - We should be back.
- Starting Point - Groton Center.
- Route Map - Groton - Devens.
- Distance - 15.5 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 275 feet (easy).
- Unpaved - None.
- Equipment - Any well maintained bike will work - I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 17 flat, smooth miles.
On Wednesday, September 12th - Boxboro.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Friday, September 7, 2012
at 6:25 AM
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Thursday, September 6, 2012
at 4:11 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Our 18th season officially starts tomorrow. The weather looks like its going to cooperate too. It should be Partly Cloudy and low 70s when we leave and Mostly Sunny and low 80s when we return.
On Friday, September 7th - East Pepperell - Nashua
This route starts off as one of my fairly standard, but still scenic, routes to Hollis NH. From there we head to Nashua on some beautiful, mostly downhill back roads. Then its a bit more uphill to avoid the boring residential areas of Nashua before we get to
Mine Falls Park. We will ride along the river to Downtown Nashua before turning back to ride along the canal back to Mine Falls. From there, it is a fairly boring ride along Route 111 (very nice wide shoulder) to the Nashua River Rail Trail and back to East Pepperell.
- The Fitness Ride will leave at 9:30 AM.
- We should return by 12:30 PM.
- Starting Point Map - East Pepperell Center.
- Route Map - East Pepperell - Nashua.
- Distance - 27 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 550 feet (moderate) - mostly at the beginning of the ride.
- Unpaved - 6 miles - mostly smooth dirt and no cars.
- Equipment - Any well maintained bike will work. I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 31 flat, paved miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Wednesday, September 5, 2012
at 7:45 AM
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Monday, September 3, 2012
at 7:12 PM
Dear AdventuRiders,
Carole and I have been busy getting ready for our 18th season of AdventuRides (and "they" said it would never last :-)
So this is a good time to look over your bike and get it tuned up if necessary, and be sure the tires are in good condition and INFLATED PROPERLY.
You can also register at the following Recreation Departments:
NOTE: First time riders can try us out and their first ride is FREE.
We also need
everyone to initial and sign a copy of our
Waiver of Liability. You can print it out
here, or I will have copies with me.
Most importantly, REMEMBER YOUR HELMET!
The weather is not looking great for Wednesday, but hope springs eternal!
On Wednesday, September 5th - Boxboro
This is one of my favorite rides. Its scenic, challenging, and has a two mile downhill run through Harvard. Of course that means that there are some uphills too, but the one category 5 (easiest category) hill we have is mostly just long and not that steep. The route is about 27 1/2 miles long and 800 feet vertical with most of the elevation gain in the first hill, although it is uphill back to the starting point too. It is all on road and I plan to bring my road bike. Lunch is at the Horseshoe Pub in Hudson. - At 9:30 AM the Exploration Ride will leave.
- We will return by 2:30 PM.
- Starting Point Map. We will meet at the Soccer Fields on Liberty Square Road. PortaPotty equipped.
- Route Map. Boxboro - Harvard - Hudson.
- Distance = 27.5 Miles.
- Elevation Gain = 800 feet (more challenging).
- Unpaved = None.
- Equipment = I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index = Roughly 35 flat, paved miles.
On Friday, September 7th - East Pepperell - Nashua
This route starts off as one of my fairly standard, but still scenic, routes to Hollis NH. From there we head to
Nashua on some beautiful, mostly downhill back roads. Then its a bit more uphill to avoid the boring residential areas of
Nashua before we get to
Mine Falls Park. We will ride along the river to Downtown
Nashua before turning back to ride along the canal back to
Mine Falls. From there, it is a fairly boring ride along Route 111 (very nice wide shoulder) to the
Nashua River Rail Trail and back to East Pepperell.
- The Fitness Ride will leave at 9:30 AM.
- We should return by 12:30 PM.
- Starting Point Map - East Pepperell Center.
- Route Map - East Pepperell - Nashua.
- Distance - 27 miles.
- Elevation Gain - 550 feet (moderate) - mostly at the beginning of the ride.
- Unpaved - 6 miles - mostly smooth dirt and no cars.
- Equipment - Any well maintained bike will work. I plan to bring my road bike.
AR Index - Roughly equal to 31 flat, paved miles.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole