Dear AdventuRiders,
Are you ready for another TOP 10 day? It will be a bit chilly when we leave, mid 40s and Sunny, but it should be near 60 when we get back. Bring a warmth layer and a wind layer and you should be fine. Check out the picture from yesterday's ride.
Tomorrow we will meet in Groton Center, here is a map. The Groton Precision Parking Police seem to be more interested in Dunkin Donuts these days, but park facing the "correct" way just in case.
Then we will leave for Dunstable by way of Martin's Pond Road, Baddacook Pond, and Massapoag Pond. From there we will stop at the Stone Arch Bridge and ride a portion of the NA&B Rail Road before heading back to Pepperell. Then its the good ole Nashua River Rail Trail back to Groton. The route is about 25 miles and 450 feet vertical (moderate). There is some gravel and the NA&B has a fairly loose surface. I am planning to bring my Hybrid Bike. Here is a map.
On Wednesday, October 13th - We will meet in Groton Center. Here is a map. I need to be back by 12:30.
* At 9:30 AM - We will leave for the Dunstable Stone Arch Bridge. Here is a map.
* At 12:30 PM - I need to be back.
* Lunch at Filho's ???
On Friday, October 15th, we will meet at the Stow Airfield on Boxboro Road. Here is a map. Please park away from Nancy's.
* At 9:30 AM - we will leave for Delaney Pond.
* At 11:30 AM - we will have lunch at Nancy's Airfield Cafe.
* At 12:15 PM - we will leave for the ARNWR.
* At 2:15 PM - we will be back.
On Saturday, October 16th - Human Powered Vehicle Festival, Groton Center. Rain date 10/17.
Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole
Reminder - Groton Center Tomorrow
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Tuesday, October 12, 2010
at 5:01 PM