Reminder - South Chelmsford Tomorrow

Dear AdventuRiders,

Third time is a charm, right? This ride has been rained out twice, but tomorrow is looking really nice! The forecast calls for mid 50s and sunny in the morning. Near 70 degrees and mostly sunny in the afternoon.

The morning Recreation Ride will travel to Chelmsford Center on the new Bruce Freeman Rail Trail then explore the Cranberry Bogs and finally ride through a bit of Carlisle before returning on the BFRT. The route is about 12 miles and 360 feet elevation gain. It will be all on road.

The afternoon Fitness Ride will also start on the Bruce Freeman and travel south to explore Carlisle and Great Brook Farm State Park. The route is about 16 1/2 miles with 700 feet elevation gain. It will be almost all on road. There is a short stretch of dirt / gravel road in GBFSP.

On Friday April 30th, we will meet at Heart Pond in South Chelmsford. Here is a map.

* At 9:30 AM - The Recreation Ride will leave for Chelmsford Center. Here is a map.
* At 11:30 AM - We will have a picnic lunch at Heart Pond with subs from Kate's Corner.
* At 12:15 PM - The Fitness Ride will leave for Carlisle. Here is a map.
* At 2:15 PM - We will be back.

Hope to see you there,
Bill and Carole

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