Dear AdventuRiders,
I try to keep the volume of email down, but what the heck, this is our "opening day" for the Spring 2010 season! How can you beat 72 degrees and sunny in early April (or any time for that matter).
If you are curious about where we went today (or any day that I remember to bring my GPS), you can see the routes on our "Past Rides" page. It will take you to and with just 3 more clicks, you can get a map of our adventures. If you are really geeky and bored, you can watch a "Fly-By Video" of the rides. We rode 15 miles this morning, and 13.5 miles this afternoon. YAY!
Our intrepid rider, Alex, shot this video from our "Flood Watch" ride on Friday. Thanks Alex!
Bill and Carole
Today's Rides + Video from Friday
Posted by
Fearless Leader
on Monday, April 5, 2010
at 8:16 PM